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Those P2P Switch To F2P MMOs


Stratics Veteran
:) In recent years, more and more games started with a P2P system have switched to F2P, such as Lord of the Rings Online, Ragnarok Online 2, Age of Conan, Lineage II, DC Universe Online, Aion Online etc. Since I am a poor student, I have already played some of them. Below is my three favourite p2p to f2p MMOs.

1. AION. The most up to date MMO to move from p2p to f2p. When logged back to test my f2p account, I had that feeling of a classic old game still with faster combat, wonderful graphics, character fun fly with glide functions, and so on. It really deserves to be my Top 3 games. And it is pretty awesome that there is no monthly subscription fee, no charges for registration and client, Complete and playable storyline with so many quests, Character development up to level 55 possible, etc. And according to the recent announcement, Aion UA will go F2P as well and some new nice features will be added into the new update 3.0. I think it is a great opportunity for Aion to bring back many old players .
Official site: http://www.aionfreetoplay.com/

2.Lord of the Rings Online. Made after the awesome book and film, it is a great game with classically styled over the battles, haunting music, beautiful graphics etc. And it proved the truth that P2P to F2P was definitely not a bad idea for game companies. As far as I know, after moving to the F2P model, it got a huge boost in player base population and also got the revenue increase by duplicated. I was not surprised of its huge success at all. It is one of the best classic MMOs on the market. Why not enter it if it is free?
Official site: http://www.lotro.com/

3. Age of Conan. A great F2P MMORPG with a ton of content. As well as LOTRO, Age of Conan saw 300,000 sign up after free-to-play switch, and got double revenue in first month. It once again proved that the F2P model was a great choice nowadays. It is really sweet that the magnificent world of Hyboria is free for all players to adventure in. I do enjoy the game for the most part. Because compared to other similar games, it is unchained and the grinding is kept to a minimumsuch.
Official site:www.ageofconan.com


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EQ 1 and 2 both switched over with their "Free to play. Your way." models, which are very restrictive if you choose to play for free. WoW and RIFT both have free-to-play content up to level 20 that are just extended demos.


Stratics Veteran
EQ 1 and 2 both switched over with their "Free to play. Your way." models, which are very restrictive if you choose to play for free. WoW and RIFT both have free-to-play content up to level 20 that are just extended demos.
well, I like WoW. I have to pay for it, coz i have passed level 20,


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have played many F2P games. Voyage century Online is proably my most favorite. I wish DaoC would go F2P. I figure down the line we will see many subscription games start to follow the trend. I prefer B2P personally.