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This newb needs help :(

  • Thread starter Slab Hardbody
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Slab Hardbody

I've seen many things that mystify in this game, but I just saw KROC place fields ON TOP of our fields. When I asked them how, the response was that I'm a newb. Assuming thats correct, can any one help me out and let me how to do that too? Or is this just another hack or exploit being employed? (not sure, but to this newb it smells of stump hack)

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i dont know the details of this at all but i do know that there are so many expliots going on right now and some people are not even bothering to hide it anymore..its all gone to %$@# if you ask me...hopefully the devs speak up on this soon, sadly the people who normally addressed the issues or the ones you could PM directly about them and get a response from....have been laid off ect..

Gus of Llanowar

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sadly the people who normally addressed the issues or the ones you could PM directly about them and get a response from....have been laid off ect..
sadly the people who normally addressed the issues are the ones you could PM directly about them and get a response from....have been laid off ect..

come Otis you can start the new year off better than this

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sadly the people who normally addressed the issues are the ones you could PM directly about them and get a response from....have been laid off ect..

come Otis you can start the new year off better than this
no i cant, cant change now!, wouldnt be proper

Mike Patton

ill let you in on the secret you crybaby, its a two step hack... hack number one, is called dispel field, hack number two, cast whatever you like... LEET KROC HACKS FTW!

Salya Sin

Slab darling... don't you know you're not elite enough to learn how to do that? Only the coolest in Napa can learn how to cheat their way to the top! Never fear though... there will always be some amazingly helpful person *coughs* PATTON!, who will help you out by stating some newb response.

Seriously... like anyone who has been playing more than a month wouldn't be able to tell the difference between "dispel and recast". I would think that would be obvious due to the lack of ANY field disappearing first... :coco:

That said... I think Psilo should kick the crap out of any KROC member hacking... that man will rock your world. *wince* Ouch... seriously... and I've never seen him using hacks... he doesn't need them. I've died so fast to that man... I'm still feeling it! Take that Capn Cracker... :lick:

Slab Hardbody

ill let you in on the secret you crybaby, its a two step hack... hack number one, is called dispel field, hack number two, cast whatever you like... LEET KROC HACKS FTW!
In case you didn't catch it I posted an apology for this one one the other thread. It turns out that on uneven terrain anyone can cast a field on top of a field of any sort.

I greatly apologize for the inappropriate accusation.