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This is the worst east coast server


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since I transferred here a while ago, I've had exactly three fights.

I scout this server in its entirety (Fel T2A and Dungeons), three times a week and never find anything except a few random **** dexers who will only fight 3 v 1 and as soon as one other person comes on my side they sit in a house.

I feel that collectively, all of Lake Superior should pool together and give me 24 mil so that I can purchase an xfer token from a broker and move on with my life.


P.S. ICQ 270541075 to arrange the pickup of my 24 mil


Why would you have transferred your characters to LS without first checking it out on another character?

If I was going to spend that kind of money or gold, I would have made the effort to have extensively scouted out the shard.