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(Player Event) This is simply 2 good 2 pass up!



2-16-11 Wed. 9:20 pm

Ander here :popcorn:

Being that I am an owner of a Library, I am aware that these
establishments are supposed to be a place of tranquility, learning and respect for it's public.
Random noise and distracting behavior are both frowned upon and socially unacceptable...
Today I am going to take from She Who Must Not Be Named's book
and "ignore" that rule.

Lets get down to business and make some noise!

There sure is a lot of :bdh: & :stir: in general chat these days
so heres the deal:
Every once in a while when i get :stretcher: of hearing the :bdh:, I will run the map tram and fel.
I'm happy to introduce the first of what i'm sure will be many public idocs.

Lets take a look....

Haven't IDOC'd in a while?
Forget how to IDOC?
Having motivational troubles to run the map?

Fear Not Players of Pacific!!
Ander has yet another solution to your UO ailments...
All my :heart: to the pacific general chat community! :thumbup:

Please pay close attention to this crate! Im sure there is plenty for everyone!



Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wow i bet the regular idocer are real pleased about you doing this..

having motivational problems to run the map thats classic, good one!!
i know thats my proplem lol


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's sad to see it happening. Prime is a guildie of mine and I am sure you can guess whats in the chest, as for me I know what are in those chests because I help him put them there :)But who was smart enough to place an empty plot next to it with a chest ready to recieve the bounty?


Considering this new downtime and estimated fall time - it may be more sad to know that this house may fall and its loot simply rots on the ground.
Check the Herald if you are having doubts.


Asia and Pacific Shards Hardware Maintenance
Rowland Cox
17 Feb 2011 13:29:55 EST

Beginning 7 a.m. February 19th – February 24th (Japan dates and time) Asia and Pacific Region shards (to Include Japan, Korea, and Taiwan) will begin migration to the new BLADE hardware.
Maintenance windows for the first few shards may extend beyond eight hours.
This is due to limited space in the facility, and some hardware organization may be required as systems are migrated. As installation continues downtimes should diminish.
The intent is to keep downtime as low as possible and get you back to playing. We will provide downtime expectations as each shard migrates.

For Oceania
We have identified a vendor who will allow us to support Ultima Online in an environment within Australia. However, it will be necessary to test and setup all of the customer support tools, and account information communication before finally moving the shard. Also, for the new location in Australia, we need to make certain you will get acceptable and playable pingtimes.
In the interim it will be necessary to host Oceania again in California for a short time. We do not expect the transition to take longer than two additional weeks from the beginning of Asia Pacific server migrations. The migration of this shard back to California will take place at 1pm EST on Friday February 18th. The expected downtime is 2-4 hours.

Thank you for your patience during this transition.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
strangely ive done a few idocs with loads of food in chests, whats the deal with that? even if its ore its something, idocs have a way of bringing people together even if "it" wants to be a hoarder and not share. whenever i find one i make it publicly known. anything to ruin "its" day is a good day for me


strangely ive done a few idocs with loads of food in chests, whats the deal with that? even if its ore its something, idocs have a way of bringing people together even if "it" wants to be a hoarder and not share. whenever i find one i make it publicly known. anything to ruin "its" day is a good day for me
*Golf Clap*


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the info Ander. Hope that doesn't happen. It would be extremely sad to see it all go. Ty yes it was Tetrycide's plot he sold it to someone before he xsharded into oblivion and the person who bought it left the game altogether and sold it to Prime. Due to real life err difficulties his accts all went down, frst he ones in fel and now these. There were originally three houses here. Anyway hope to see tons of people at this idoc will make for some interesting conversations!


Hope everyone enjoyed themselves.
I took the family outdoors for some fun in the sun - was a nice day indeed!