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Thinking of comming back...should I?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone!

First of all, i have been an on/off player of UO since the BETA, so it is an evidence that i love this game. But, i have left in the past a few times for a 6month+ off period for various reason.

So, i have been offline for a little more than 2 years...time goes so fast...and i am now again bored with games avaible so i would like to taste a little of uo again...my fully developped chars are still waiting so it wouldnt be hard to be "competitive" again.

When i left, they were already talking about SA....and i must say i am not surprise but a little disappointed that it is still in developpment....will it ever come out? The reason i left the last time was because the massive duping problems beeing ignored by the whole uo team, to the point it has corrumpted the complete economy and overall the balance of the game...i have been lurking with a trial account and everyone seem to be fully suited with high end arti and armor suit...

Then, i read about 11th year gift that might not be avaible until 12th year anniversary...and the last patch seem to have renew with the gool ol habit of screwing more thing than fixing some...

So...want i would like to hear is what have changed in-game since the last years or two, what do people do to have FUN and still earn enought gold to buy furniture and stuff...there seem to be a lot of new items, including the replica, the new vet reward unavaible to the majority of people, and some game improvement overall...

I have been looking at some forums and uo site, and i feel like there is quite less player active overall, i might be wrong though, but this is how i feel...so it is a good point for housing i guess but then less people mean less interactivity and less profit possible...i liked to be able to some few items/gold some time to cover the montlly fee...

Should i reactivate or not...this is the uo addict question! :)

Are you still having fun daily and doing different thing?

Thanks for your input!!


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Not much has changed in the last two years. A few tweaks here and there. Well more than a few to be fair...

What shards? *smiles*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Of course you should. Why would you think otherwise?

This damn game seems to always drag me back to it. Sometimes kicking and screaming. Then I get a bit bored and go back to real life. I can't even get interested in any other games for long anymore.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As much as everyone screams and yells about how terrible this game is, I've never played a game that consistently has old players coming back over and over like this one does. :D

Heck yeah, come back!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you need to ask about coming back then perhaps you know the answer already ;)


Wait for Ultima Online 2. (A joke, EA will never make a UO 2) UO is just not what it was and keeps getting worse. If tons of hoop-jumping and 2d pixel prizes turn you on, then by all means return for a brief disappointing romp through the game you THOUGHT you'd be returning to. But this isn't your dad's UO, its for people with much shorter attention spans.


-been here since before Renaissance and housing in Trammel.
Your question has more to do with (play-style) than anything else.

Do you like to (roleplay) or do you prefer (hack-n'slash)? -pvm, pvp, crafting, and it all revolves around your interests. If you want to blast it out and test your metal time and again until you determine how to beat a Balron on your own, go for it!

If you are looking for companions to aid you in adventure and storyline, they are there for you to find and make your adventure happen.

What I love about this game is that it is open ended and each person makes of it what they will. Have fun, explore, have a laugh, find good companions, have fun and explore!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hear people talking about how great uo used to be. I played then. It's much better imo now. My whole family plays. We're having a ball. You're going to have to spend fortunes on equipment to compete successfully now, but there's so much to do.


I hear people talking about how great uo used to be. I played then. It's much better imo now. My whole family plays. We're having a ball. You're going to have to spend fortunes on equipment to compete successfully now, but there's so much to do.

I can't find the time to do all that I want to do


Ditto on what ACB said...either you want to come back or dont.who cares what other think...Try it and fall in love again ...or dont ;D your calll "D


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you've been away that long. Give Siege a try. We have a number of players who recently reactivated and have given Siege a go, and according to them, they are loving it...la

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, i have been offline for a little more than 2 years...time goes so fast...and i am now again bored with games avaible

Should i reactivate or not...this is the uo addict question! :)
Are you sure you a true "uo addict" or just someone who tried WoW and got bored. :bowdown:


Are you sure you a true "uo addict" or just someone who tried WoW and got bored. :bowdown:
lol, just admit it - say out loud, "I am a UO addict, I am a UO addict."



Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Hi...... My name is.... Willa..... or Malag..... or..... damn..... I don't know I have so many names...... and um... Yes I'm a UO addict. (Waits for the applause and welcomes to stop).. Thank you....

....hehe..... I could never really leave UO..... I'm such an addict.... so as for coming back.... by all means!....

More the merrier!...

I agree with the others..... there is so much to do and so little time....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What shards? *smiles*
Atlantic of course...since the begining!

I've tryed Siege in the past but never really hooked, the skill ROT system and no recall scare me...too long to actually beeing able to play...i guess

Are you sure you a true "uo addict" or just someone who tried WoW and got bored. :bowdown:
Yeah, UO is the only game i've actually paid monthly fee to play, and often more than 1 account...i tryed many other mmorpg but never went further than trial account...and for me its 2d client only! Oh, and UO is the only all-around game i ever had a dream about. I'll never forget the Lake Austin server opening, and the housing madness that followed..easy money!

I wish they would open a new server again, production rules, no xfer avaible, for obvious reason...even though it wouldnt fix everything...but they could have done it with Origin...



Well I came back after being gone for about a year. My 45 days (which is when I decided if I was going to stay or go) is at the end of the month. This is just my experience, so please no need to flame me for what I am going to say.

1- I am on one of the most populated shards, and there's not that many folks around anymore actively playing.

2-I have noticed that player events, while still around, are not like they used to be.

3-Game has now become a grind game for me. Once you GM'd the character or better, you are left with mindless Doom runs, and the like.

4-Events, well, in my experience are a joke, as last weekend clearly showed. There was atleast 50 people at the event on my shard, and we were all like, is this it? Nothing exciting at all, and events should be done more often to keep the game fresh and exciting, especially if they want new players.

5-KR which I always loved, has been improved greatly. I enjoy the look much better that 2d, or for that matter the much hated 3D (imo).

So for me, my window is close for me to make a decision, but so far, I play about an hour a day on this game, if that. Not really what I would pay for to be honest. If there was much more going on, then I might be more excited about the playing. I am looking forward to SA, but to be honest, that has been promised so long that I have taken the approach, I believe it when I see it. Some gaming sites have actually said SA won't come out until late fall. If that is the case, no my account will be deactivated, and I will take a wait and see on what folks see and say.

I think I was gone long enough for my addiction to be in remission forever, which is sad. I have a lot of friends still in the game, but 30 hours a month isn't worth what I am paying for especially when I am bored much of the time.

Give it a 30 day try, and see if you like what you see, and if so, then stick with it.

May your kills be swift and profitable.

aka: Lord Pompey
aka: Germanicus
Great Lakes



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO = Home.

You can leave but there is no place like home. :)

Welcome home! :D


I left recently ... only hang here because I think sometimes I can offer words of wisdom or whatever. just about 11 years with a year of DAoC after AOS was released. <shrug> I played Pac, Atl and most recently Lake Austin.

Overall I think UO is not the same as it was ... there are lots of nifty new things, but it just doesn't (for me) have the look and feel of pre-AOS UO. Oh well.

Give it a shot ... what's the worst that can happen? Oh yeah ... reaffirmation of the addiction that is UO.

Be well ...


3-Game has now become a grind game for me. Once you GM'd the character or better, you are left with mindless Doom runs, and the like.
You need to expand your horizons. I've got so much to do every day I have a hard time finding enough time to make it to Doom even once a week. There's a whole lot more to UO than just killing monsters.

4-Events, well, in my experience are a joke, as last weekend clearly showed. There was atleast 50 people at the event on my shard, and we were all like, is this it? Nothing exciting at all, and events should be done more often to keep the game fresh and exciting, especially if they want new players.
That was an EM event, not a full blown, Draconi enhanced event. You should have been at Magincia. Everyone had a blast there.

I am looking forward to SA, but to be honest, that has been promised so long that I have taken the approach, I believe it when I see it.
I think SA will be out sooner than you may think.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes you should.

It's just a fun game.

More people are playing relative to 2 years ago, I believe. But remember that UO is down from its peak and will never recover its peak, so don't expect that.

-Galen's player


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I concur ACB. I think UO is much better now than it was. The difference is the wide-eyed newness has worn off. There will never be that same sort of feeling because UO was one of the very first MMOs any of us ever played.

The other thing nobody is realistic about is the lag and the bugs back then would not be tolerated these days. I remember making an archer and watching players on foot outrun my arrows. Can you imagine the belly aching that would go on these days if that happened?

I would dearly love to see a true old school shard, complete with the bugs and the lag just to see how the players of today would take it.

I hear people talking about how great uo used to be. I played then. It's much better imo now. My whole family plays. We're having a ball. You're going to have to spend fortunes on equipment to compete successfully now, but there's so much to do.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok so i reactivated my account for 1 month to see how it is now...all my items are in my packs, banks and bonded...until i relalised that the pouch holding my check in my bank was missing almost all of them...did they removed some checks from the game from legitimate player too? I am sure i had more than 25 mil in bank and only 4 check are left placed randomly...

And i am positive no one logged with my account or anything like that because everything else is there, and it is worth far more than the 20mil i seem to be missing...

Any clue?


Ok so i reactivated my account for 1 month to see how it is now...all my items are in my packs, banks and bonded...until i relalised that the pouch holding my check in my bank was missing almost all of them...did they removed some checks from the game from legitimate player too? I am sure i had more than 25 mil in bank and only 4 check are left placed randomly...

And i am positive no one logged with my account or anything like that because everything else is there, and it is worth far more than the 20mil i seem to be missing...

Any clue?

A year or two ago they did a massive gold wipe of all duped gold checks. Possible those checks you had were duped and then wiped.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone!

First of all, i have been an on/off player of UO since the BETA, so it is an evidence that i love this game. But, i have left in the past a few times for a 6month+ off period for various reason.

So, i have been offline for a little more than 2 years...time goes so fast...and i am now again bored with games avaible so i would like to taste a little of uo again...my fully developped chars are still waiting so it wouldnt be hard to be "competitive" again.

When i left, they were already talking about SA....and i must say i am not surprise but a little disappointed that it is still in developpment....will it ever come out? The reason i left the last time was because the massive duping problems beeing ignored by the whole uo team, to the point it has corrumpted the complete economy and overall the balance of the game...i have been lurking with a trial account and everyone seem to be fully suited with high end arti and armor suit...

Then, i read about 11th year gift that might not be avaible until 12th year anniversary...and the last patch seem to have renew with the gool ol habit of screwing more thing than fixing some...

So...want i would like to hear is what have changed in-game since the last years or two, what do people do to have FUN and still earn enought gold to buy furniture and stuff...there seem to be a lot of new items, including the replica, the new vet reward unavaible to the majority of people, and some game improvement overall...

I have been looking at some forums and uo site, and i feel like there is quite less player active overall, i might be wrong though, but this is how i feel...so it is a good point for housing i guess but then less people mean less interactivity and less profit possible...i liked to be able to some few items/gold some time to cover the montlly fee...

Should i reactivate or not...this is the uo addict question! :)

Are you still having fun daily and doing different thing?

Thanks for your input!!
Not alot has changed In the last couple years some tweeks here and there no real balance passes, Economy is crap, There is a cool event arc going on but seems kinda slow paced, UO is still the better game out there reguardless of its current issues, they have done a better job at bug fixes these last couple years also.

SA is taking so long because they want to make sure its right the first time, this group of devs want to be the first group of devs to release a expansion that isnt so rushed it becomes fubarred that it takes years to fix. I personally rather have them take a couple years making the expansion vs taking a couple years fixing (its a good sign of things to come to UO IMHO :) ).

In the last couple years there have been some pretty cool additions to the game like a revamp of factions, EM's , events, vetrewards, deco stuff. They tweaked doom drops to a point system close to the TOK event. They randomized resource spots for mining and LJ'ing making the rare resources truely rare. The game is still based heavy around items but they made it easy to get items.

I can go on and on, IMHO its worth coming back to UO is still the best MMO out in gameplay terms we are lucky that none of the other MMO's have stolen the model.