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Thinking of coming back


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend

I used to play on Catskills a few years ago, and I'm thinking of returning. I made a trial account last night and did some exploring, and I only saw about 5 people in Luna during primetime - does everyone hang out somewhere else now? Or has the population really dwindled that much? Just curious.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1 depends on different times of day
2 different on different days
3 dwindled over the years but still a blast
give it a try ,there is so much new content
4 look for Lace in game if you need help or a tour
I always help returning Vets and anyone for that matter


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I used to play on Catskills a few years ago, and I'm thinking of returning. I made a trial account last night and did some exploring, and I only saw about 5 people in Luna during primetime - does everyone hang out somewhere else now? Or has the population really dwindled that much? Just curious.

I know you....

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The population of the shard isn't what it used to be, but it's still pretty busy at times. Weeknights aren't always the busiest time either. Let's not forget, we are playing a 13 year old game here, so a lot of those kids who used to play after school have grown up and have careers and families now.

Also, there are now 6 facets and more dungeons than I can keep track of any more, so there's a lot of land for the population to be spread over.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Well, hello stranger. :) Unfortunately, work has been keeping me out of the game more than I'd like lately. If you need anything just holler at me though. I'm still a packrat. :lick:


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the replies everyone. It's nice to see a few familiar faces are still around =)

My main account is back up and running now, and I'm keeping myself busy tweaking my characters and their templates. I managed to get myself a Greater Dragon this morning, so I'm looking forward to doing a little hunting once it bonds.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone still hunt peerlesses? I haven't upgraded to SA or HS yet, and it'll probably be a while before I can, so peerlesses and treasure maps are going to be the height of my fun for the time being.

Also, does anyone know of any good powerscroll vendors that are regularly stocked? I've been looking around Luna etc, and I'm having trouble finding vendors that carry what I need. Mostly I just need +10's and +15's. I would like to get a +20 Taming scroll sometime, but that's probably a bit out of my price-range right now.

Anyway, thanks again everyone for the offers of help, I really appreciate it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are few low level power scrolls for sale nowadays due to Scroll Binders being used. SA is a great expansion and provided the game with more peerless as well as mini-champ bosses and spawns.

Treasure maps are partly relevant now since you can get forged pardons and mana phasing orbs as well as level 7 maps.

HS added two new peerless bosses as well as the new ships.

If you know what scrolls you need, post a list and most people will say if they have them or not. Some people don't actually add them to their scroll binders until they get enough to fill them so may have some around.