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[Discussion] Thinking about returing and opening a musuem.

  • Thread starter Elbryan Uthador
  • Start date
  • Watchers 2

Elbryan Uthador

I have been gone a few years, sold off almost everything I had. I need to figure out how much it is going to cost me to start over.

Here is the list. I know some are not for sale.

Napa Valley: Season 2
Jug of Strong Jukan ale (2)
Jukan Ceremonial Kantana (5)
Leather Bound Atlas marked with Patrol Routes (1)
Servant of Tal'keesh (400+)

Napa Valley: Season 3
Dread Pirate Boots (26 and counting)

Napa Valley: Season 4
A Lifelike Carving of Tal'Keesh (Blue Dragon Statue) (8)
Crown of Tal'Keesh (Bandana, same stats as Hat of Magi) (2)
Ebony Staff Etched With Markings (No Mods) (2)
Enchanted Valorite Ore (4)
Juka Ceremonial Sword (1)
Robes (Blessed, Invulnerability Blue Color) (~10)
Royal Guard Battle Plans (~5)
Scales of Tal'Keesh (Invulnerability Blue) (12)
Shroud of Tal'keesh (Invulnerability Blue) (~13)
Siege Winch (10)
Skull of Tal'Keesh (Giant Dragon Skull) (2)
Tal'keesh Battle Plans (~5)
Void of Umbra (Red Broad Sword, No Mods) (~9)

Napa Valley: Season 5
Sickly Plants (~12)
Architecture and Engineering of the Ancients (Open Book) (6)
Legends of the Old Britannia (Open Book) (6)
Beneath Britannia (Open Book) (6)
Of Dragonkin and Man (Open Book) (6)
Yew - Past and Present (6)
Dragon Eggs (~15 Expecting Half Handed in
Jade Statues (2)
Curious Stone Artifact (~10 Expecting Half Awarded)
Shadow Semindar Paragon Chest (1)

Napa Valley: Season 6
Cupids Bow (Pink) (5)
A Pan of Heart-Shaped Cookies (10)
Bag of Orc Fuud (purple bag of flour) (~20)
Corroded Scimitar (4)
Corrodd Hatchet (4)
Rusty Dagger (4)
Decaying Scale (4)
Poison Fishsteak (4)
Poison Blood Sample (4)
Spider Web (1)
Pilfred Pie (5) when Locked Down Works Like A Basket of Herbs
Mutated Turkey Blood (5)
Turkey Tail Feathers (5)
Golden Compass (2)
A Golden Christmas Harp (2)

Happy Easter 2009 (Napa Valley)
Napa Valley: 2009 Easter Egg

Napa Valley: 2009 Holiday SOLSTISE STAG EVENT
A Christmas Rose 2009 (VR)
Last Year's Fruitcake (R)
Christmas Ribbons (Red and Green) (VR)
Gingerbread Cookie Crafted By EM Fiorella & EM Sangria (Red & Green) (R) (Purpole, Blue, And Yellow) (VR)
Holiday Rum Cake 2009 (R)
Napa Valle's Finest Holiday Ale (UR)
A Leg of Christmas Goose (UR)
Spiked Holiday Punch (VR)
A Red Velvet Cake Made With Christmas Cheer (VR)
A Bottle Of Holiday Nog (UR)
A Bottle Of Christmas Nog (UR)

Bags of Orc Fuud (10) (Re Drop From Season 7)
Leather From A Mutant Wolf (10)
Blackrock Encrusted Mortar And Pestle (Contains 1,000 Charges of Fireworks) (3)
Blackrock Encrusted Mortar And Pestle (Unlimited Flamestrike) (3)
Find Maya! (Unique Colored Blue Book) (5)
I Was Killed Multiple Times By Professor Jenkins And Have The Death Robes To Prove It (100s) (*)
Thank You For Coming To Napa Valley's Second Luna Fair Ground Archery Tournament (Bow) (29)
Horse Statuettes (Unique Colors) (Red, Orange, Europa Gold, Blue, Pink, Black Speckled, Lime Green, Blaze) (8)
Fiorella's Farewell Shot (~40)
The Guard Now Has Your Name As A Known Smuggler. You May Be Questioned. Have A Nice Day. (Red Scroll) (15)
Stitching Thread (9)
Death Maze Survivor 2010 (Tan Skull) (*)

NAPA VALLEY: 2010 Easter Event
A Carrot To You From The Easter Bunny
Happy Easter From EM Sangria And EM Fiorella
Happy Easter Napa Valley 2010
Fiorella's Strawberry Flavored Carrot
Happy Easter Napa Valley
Chocolate Covered Carrot
Sangria Flavored Carrot

Blood Donations (Void) (Full Vials) (1)
Blood Vials (Void) (Full Vials) (3)
Full Vilas (Void) (Full Vials) (1)
Blood Donations (Full Vials) (red) (1)
Maya's Cure (blue/red) (Full Vials) x 2
Blood Donations Vials (Blaze) (1)
Blood Donations Vials (Blue/Red) x 1
Mesanna's Poison Thorns (Grey) (1)
Blood Roses (2)
Blood Vines (2)
Memory of Fallen Citizens of Napa (Large Void Statue) (1)
Captured Essence of Maya (Black With Orange Center) (2)
Captured Essence of Maya Two Tone Pink (1)
Messana's Blood Donation Services (Void Moongate) (1)
Captured Essence Of Maya Red With Blue Center (2)
Captured Essence Of Maya Blue With Red (1)
Mesanna Doll (1)
Blood Drop Necklace (1)
Mesanna's Blood Donation Gate (3)
Glacial Muck (1)
Tears of Death (1)
Napa's Death Dealer (1)
Burnt Portrait of Maya (1)
Mesanna's Tear (1)
Blood Tear (1)
Blood Tick (1)
Retroactive Bank (Statue) (1)
Dress From Mesanna's Minion (7)
Dress From A Minion of Mesanna (1)
Hawk Slayer - Mesanna (Bow) (1)
I Gave Blood For Maya's Cure Robe (19)
Blood Drop Ring (1)
Housecoat of Nightmares (1)
Mesanna's Slippers (1)
Bracelet Of Dreams (1)
Blood Pies (Two Tone) (*)
Blood Pies (Void) (*)
Thank You Napa, Love Mesanna (Glacial Rose) (*)
Thank You Napa, Love Mesanna (Black Rose) (*)
Thank You Napa, Love Mesanna (White Rose) (3)
Thank You Napa, Love Mesanna (Red Rose) (7)


im confused, you are looking to buy these items ? or you have these items?


well be aware prices have changed and in many cases have doubled or tripled since you last played.


I just read through your list in detail and you're going to need some where in the range of about 40-50 bil for everything on that list, maybe more heh

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back!

Although items have gone up in price... I think you could with 50m and spend it on the lower ticket items such as blood pies, mesanna roses, farewell shot etc. Start with some of the higher drop items and gradually add to your collection with the higher priced items. If you attend the shard EM events, you have a chance to maintain your shard's history from this point on without spending anything.

Yen Sid

I just read through your list in detail and you're going to need some where in the range of about 40-50 bil for everything on that list, maybe more heh
Holy S***! Lol, thats a ridiculous amount of gold. Even if someone could have that much, where would you store it lol? Gl OP.

Elbryan Uthador

well be aware prices have changed and in many cases have doubled or tripled since you last played.
Is the inflation so bad in the UO economy now that prices tripled? I know gold is not for sale, but what is the $ to gold ratio now.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is the inflation so bad in the UO economy now that prices tripled? I know gold is not for sale, but what is the $ to gold ratio now.
Actually, gold to cash ratio has not changed much since you left. Whole sale price is still around .25-.30 cents on the dollar and retail about .70-.90 may be more depending on who and how hard of the shard it is.

There are just a lot more items since you left and a lot more gold has been made since then. You have to realize that UO itself doesn't have a good way to suck the gold out of circulation. The purchases of resources from NPC or vendor fees hardly makes any sort of dent so the gold just gets recirculated between players and at the same time more is being made from monster loot day by day.

Elbryan Uthador

Actually, gold to cash ratio has not changed much since you left. Whole sale price is still around .25-.30 cents on the dollar and retail about .70-.90 may be more depending on who and how hard of the shard it is.

There are just a lot more items since you left and a lot more gold has been made since then. You have to realize that UO itself doesn't have a good way to suck the gold out of circulation. The purchases of resources from NPC or vendor fees hardly makes any sort of dent so the gold just gets recirculated between players and at the same time more is being made from monster loot day by day.
After I get back from vacation in 2 weeks I will log in and see how much gold I have left.

Manti-- Let me know if you have any of the stuff I sold to you for sale.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I recently sold "A Hideous Watch Dog White Paragon Chest" for a 125mil. I dont think it's up for resale now.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you're looking to start a museum probably a good idea not to go after what everyone else is trying to procure. Also make sure before you start buying you figure out what you want and what things are worth.

I kicked around the idea of coming back and starting a museum again but without the time and financial commitment to make it possible, let alone the learning curve to find out what indeed is rare these days, I decided against it.

Wyatt of Catskills


Like others said start small and work your way up from there. With all of the events that happen with nice items it is pretty easy to get some items for a new museum.

Shop around and keep those eyes open. Even on Atl you can find really really good deals from time to time if you look around. Just 15 minutes ago found two bloody bandages for 250k each on the most populated shard.