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There's a new Ultima game, a new Richard Garriott game, what about Wing Commander?



Chris Roberts is returning to making space videogames :cheerleader:

Roberts Space Industries (code is '42')


If you’ve made it here, you probably know who I am. Maybe you have heard of Wing Commander and its sequels, or perhaps Strike Commander, Privateer or Freelancer.

If not, you’re still welcome!

I grew up making video games. I sold my first game at the age of 13 and created Wing Commander when I was 21. But 10 years ago, at the height of my career I took a break. Not because I stopped loving or playing games but because I had become frustrated with the limits of the technology at the time to realize my vision.

I decided to pursue my desire to create detailed worlds and tell sophisticated stories in film.

I always said the moment I became interested in making games again was when I was going to come back.

With the power of today’s computers and the reach of the internet I finally feel I have the tools to build the connected experience that I always dreamed of. A world that would be more satisfying and richer than any film I could work on.

With films you tell stories but with games you create worlds.

If you’ve played my games, you’ll know that’s what I love to do.

I’m here to tell you that I have been working on something for just under a year, something that embraces everything that my past games stood for but takes it to the next level.

I hope you’ll be as excited by it as I am.

My new endeavor is still in its early stages but I invite you to take the journey with me.

If you register below you’ll become an insider that will not only give you early access to the game’s website and forums, but you will also get the opportunity for rewards and privileges that no one else will get. It’s my way of showing how important your early involvement and support is.

The full announcement will be at 10am Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5) on the 10th day of the 10th month of this year.

My name is Chris Roberts.

And if you would indulge me I would like to create a world for you.
Congratulations on successfully navigating the jump to Roberts Space Industries!

The Comm-Link is the primary communication channel from all of us at RSI. As you can tell from the ticking counter, there’s going to be an announcement in October about our newest research and development project. We hope you’ll be as excited about it as we are and choose to sign up for the first models off the assembly line.

Until then, the goal of the Roberts Space Industries website is to bring together truly hardcore space simulation fans from around the world to celebrate the genre and remind them what made Wing Commander, Privateer, Starlancer and Freelancer great!

It will offer material from our Chairman’s previous creations: it will tell you about their history, spotlight the fans who have been keeping the faith over the years, let you interact with the RSI team.
It will also give a few hints as to what is coming.

We know you’re here because you’re one of the most dedicated fans on the planet… so settle in, make the forums your home and get ready for the big announcement! In the meantime, check back each morning for a new Comm-Link update.
A lot of you, most of you, are old enough to remember Origin's golden days when Ultimas and Wing Commander games were huge.

Weird how 2012 was the year new Ultima, Richard Garriott, and Chris Roberts games were announced.
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You can follow it on the Wing Commander news website

There was some nice concept art posted by the RSI people.

Like Garriott, Roberts doesn't own the Wing Commander IP, so it'll have a different name.
Chris_Roberts> Mike - I love WC, but EA owns it, so its not eay for me to do another one on my own terms
And people think it might be some kind of MMORPG Privateer game. Even if it's not, that would be fine with me. I liked the Wing Commander, Privateer, Starlancer/Freelancer games.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
DUDE!!!!!!!! I have been waiting so friggin long for something like Privateer and Wing Commander, Strike Commander too! OMFG you made my day!


DUDE!!!!!!!! I have been waiting so friggin long for something like Privateer and Wing Commander, Strike Commander too! OMFG you made my day!
Looks like he will be making the announcement at the Game Developer Conference next month. If you are a spaceship nerd, they are dissecting the images on the website.

Here is the Ultima trivia of the day. The last time a Chris Roberts space game, an Ultima game, and/or a Richard Garriott game were all released in the same year was 1994. Wing Commander III and Ultima VIII Pagan. Ultima Online wouldn't be seriously started until the following year.

Roberts, Garriott, and the Ultima Forever game could all release the same year, either later this year or next year (more likely).

Would be nice if to cap things off by seeing a UO expansion announced this year.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And people think it might be some kind of MMORPG Privateer game. Even if it's not, that would be fine with me. I liked the Wing Commander, Privateer, Starlancer/Freelancer games.

I'd love to be able to play an Online multiplayer game where one can adventure space as a Privateer and get involved into plots, trades and so forth. But it would need to be a game with depth for me to want to play it.
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I'd love to be able to play an Online multiplayer game where one can adventure space as a Privateer and get involved into plots, trades and so forth. But it would need to be a game with depth for me to want to play it.
EA/Origin had been working on a Privateer Online or at least had it in the planning stages after UO did so well.

They also had a Harry Potter Online (may or may not have been based on UO's software) planned, and they canceled that as well. This was before Harry Potter reached the depths of crazy fandom it eventually achieved.

A Privateer Online and Harry Potter Online...wonder how well EVE Online and Wizard 101 would be doing if those had happened. Weird to think Origin nearly became a huge MMORPG studio. Would have been really good for UO.



I echo the other "just take my money" comments. This is what I wanted.