There I was, just a couple of days ago, happily wandering Gaman Plains in Homare-Jima, training taming on gamans. Of course, for ages no one has cared about gamans; it was a nice, quiet neighborhood where I could tame in peace.
enter ToT3
Now, I can hardly get 2 tames in before some moron runs through the screen killing not just the gaman I'm taming, but every other gaman in sight and shouting expletives all the while. And I cannot properly describe how many of my poor Bakes have been killed when some dishonorable ToT hunter comes along and lures a load of tsuki wolves and kaze kimonos up to where I'm taming and then recalls out, laughing in caps.
It would be nice if I gained in honor for these, as despite my frustration I neither respond to their provocation nor attempt to bribe an EA official for the home address of someone who names their character after fattening party snacks or indecisive invective. Alas, this is not in the cards.
Thus, I encourage any newcomer to the Tokuno Islands, those of you seeking treasure in the new event: KEEP OFF THE GRASS! Hunt your treasures, have fun, but quit griefing those of us that were there first. There are better ways to improve your gaming experience than by disrupting mine.
enter ToT3
Now, I can hardly get 2 tames in before some moron runs through the screen killing not just the gaman I'm taming, but every other gaman in sight and shouting expletives all the while. And I cannot properly describe how many of my poor Bakes have been killed when some dishonorable ToT hunter comes along and lures a load of tsuki wolves and kaze kimonos up to where I'm taming and then recalls out, laughing in caps.
It would be nice if I gained in honor for these, as despite my frustration I neither respond to their provocation nor attempt to bribe an EA official for the home address of someone who names their character after fattening party snacks or indecisive invective. Alas, this is not in the cards.
Thus, I encourage any newcomer to the Tokuno Islands, those of you seeking treasure in the new event: KEEP OFF THE GRASS! Hunt your treasures, have fun, but quit griefing those of us that were there first. There are better ways to improve your gaming experience than by disrupting mine.