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Theives strike at WRR Auction get out your dawns investigator spyglasses...


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
The Pac Rares Festival was in full swing , all of the events have been great. There have been Harbringers being spawned killing off the mainly unarmored citizins of Luna, Millions of Gold Changing hands items flying off all the vendors pouches. Until one of the gems of the event the rares auction announced that all of the items up for the event were stolen its a who done it caper with billions of gold in items being stolen...

Lets try and put back the peices and figure out where the problem was and maybee catch a theif red handed ... or better yet find out how a auction turned ugly

Just the Facts Mam....

obviously there was a breach of security an inside job maybee? well WRR has honorably said they would compensate everyone for there lost items so it dosent sound like it ....or does it ?? hmm

Perhaps to much trust placed in to many hands "?/ .... apparently there were co owners made to this auction house to help with the event and all fingers point in this direction the question remains who was it that wanted to have xtra co owners added with such high end items at stake ???

I know im rambling on here but its 5 am lets try and help figure out how the situation got out of hand and keep the pac shards name a good one ... anyone with some details and that isnt afraid to shed some light boc boc boc on the subject plz post what you think boo to thieves yay to pac rares event !!!

oh just wanted to mention what happens to thieves in turkish prisons ahh well better not go there hehe now we know why all those medieval torture devices were made .... :stretcher:


Sucks for those who lost their items.

Gold does not replace unique/rare items no matter the amount. Especially if they have sentimental value.

And on a mod note, I know there is no love fest for WRR so this is the warning to keep all trolling against WRR out of this thread.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is the fault of the house owner obviously. What kind of an idiot would co own other people to the RARES FESTIVAL house?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is the fault of the house owner obviously. What kind of an idiot would co own other people to the RARES FESTIVAL house?
For that matter why set such important chests to co-owner access?
I have all the chests in my house set to owner only, so even a co-owner can't touch them.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have my chests set to co owner simply because I have two accounts..nobody is co owned to my houses but myself.

Balian of Asgard

wow, that sure sux, but way to go to the thief roleplayers!!! what a haul, and what a bonus for the faction thieves, finally some kind of reward.
I just hope that it was real thieving andot some game mechanics heist


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If Danny Ocean still played, I'd suspect him. This sounds like an Oceans Eleven caper! :D

On a serious note, sorry to all who lost in this.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya know this isn't the first time PAH was robbed. And it was shortly thereafter that WRR was launched.

Rand Al

Fell people should have handled this cause who trusts who in that community lol only one person would be touching the items!