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The water test

Sonoma EM Feed

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Stratics Veteran
Daniel almost felt mesmerized by her voice. If he closed his eyes he could hear the gentle waves at the seaside.
“My fellow Elementals have been pleased”
a pause as the wave seemed to roll out
“I feel you are worthy of what you request” The wave rolled in
Another ebbing pause
“but I have sad news.” This wave crashed like a breaker.
“My waters are becoming toxic. ” Another white capped Wave
“Find the source and the Pure water will be yours”
And the waves ebbed.
Daniel had hoped to get the water now. The sooner it was added to Brandy the better. Now he would need his Sleuths to help again.
Meet Thursday Jan 31 at the Brit Counselor Hall at 6 PT, 7 MT, * CT 9 ET

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