The War of Succession - RP and Fiction Discussion
No Fictional - nor Medieval - Civilization upon which Sosaria is based has emerged from the death of its supreme leader so apathetic and unchanged.
Thus I invite the RPers of Baja to join me in an intellectual exercize discussing how our own interactions and fiction might reflect the changing times. How we - the characters who inhabit this Britannia - will fill the void and inject a bit of political intrigue into our interactions.
You will find the discussion below.
The War of Succession: Intrigue.
No Fictional - nor Medieval - Civilization upon which Sosaria is based has emerged from the death of its supreme leader so apathetic and unchanged.
Thus I invite the RPers of Baja to join me in an intellectual exercize discussing how our own interactions and fiction might reflect the changing times. How we - the characters who inhabit this Britannia - will fill the void and inject a bit of political intrigue into our interactions.
You will find the discussion below.
The War of Succession: Intrigue.