Monday, 4th Day of the New Year
The Beacon wishes You, our faithful Readers, a Happy and Joyful New Year!
’Democracy’ Strikes Back...
In a sudden and unexpected move, the Chancellor of the Republic of Vesper was first deposed and, soon after, disposed of.
In a plot, seemingly formed between Escaflowne and Hanse Davion, reigning chancellor Olk Samsca was informed at a public meeting that he was a waste of space and that he was to step down immediately - or be removed by force. On his refusal to go quietly, he was mercilessly attacked and beaten senseless. Hanse Davion then stepped up as temporary chancellor, literally over Olk's (apparently) dead body. This caused immediate uproar, leading to a vote on Monday whether the people accepted him as replacement or not. The result of this chaos appears to be that Davion is to remain temporary chancellor until an election has been held.
Up to now there is no report if the former Ruler Olk Samsca survived and is held prisoner or died in their coup d'etat.
Furthermore, the meeting included a list of future changes in the Republic, most of them concerning either war or games, some of them even both. Judging by the comments Vesper is already planning another futile campaign against the realm. Lastly, full citizenship and protection was offered to all that had helped Vesper in the past, including known criminals and madmen such as the Collegium.
A Symbol of Power – A Commentary
Dear Readers, the symbol of chaos which graces the shields and banners of the Republic of Vesper bears with it a long and dreadful history. Many years ago it was the sign of a man wishing to find an alternate way, a man who took a philosophical idea beyond the final borders of sense and virtue. And like that man once, who tore himself apart until nothing was left but a murderous monstrosity, so is Vesper about to rip out the remnants of its heart and soul.
Chaos rules again, with assassins clearing the throne of one incapable man to make way for the next. Olk the ‘Mushroom Man’, well known for his madness and odd habits, is bloodily replaced by Hanse Davion, a man known for his love of war and the recent episodes where he happily admitted to having eaten a human corpse. His statement that he would not run himself in the upcoming election (provided it can be trusted) certainly comes as a relief. The hopes of the Realm now lie on the chance that the previous Chancellor Escaflowne will run again, a man who had proven his ability to rule rather than to just wage war blindly.
In addition, Vesper opens its sewers for the scum and leftovers of the realm. A failed dream grasping for drow, criminals and madmen as its last straw. Already the drums of war are beating, with the simple - and singleminded - way that the claims on “west Vesper” are upheld; an absurd and doomed attempt to conquer land from the realm and to enslave honest citizens. How now shall it end? Long ago, a man and his ideas failed in wave of blood, metal and disaster. If it comes to that again, the Realm will stand strong as it did then.
Yew Bomber on Trial!
Yesterday night, two citizens of Yew were put on trial by the Yewish Church to answer for the crimes of murder, assault and treachery along with many more minor charges. One of the suspects was Darien De’Mirio, according to our sources once an influential noble in Yew. De’Mirio appeared to be of questionable health both mentally and physically, which did not seem to bother the court who even accepted the suspect asking for his imagined brother to be his defender.
The second trial, that of footman (footwoman?) Millicent was taken more seriously, with a more capable defender speaking in her favour against the numerous charges laid down before the judge. Apparently, she was accused by De’Mirio himself, who, despite his questionable alignment with the real world, brought the Militia on the trail of the young woman. In an emotional and heated trial, the defender managed to dispel many of the charges, yet ultimately she was declared guilty of several crimes, as well as De’Mirio himself.
To the surprise of the assembled people and even the Militia itself, she was sentenced to be burned alive, a terrible and inhumane punishment usually reserved for "wytches" in Yew. However, while the members of the Militia prepared the pyre for the execution, the condemned woman was led to the church for last prayers and was able to flee from there. Despite a search conducted immediately by the Militia she stayed gone and must be considered escaped. If she has any sense, she will stay that way.
A Dragon’s Egg?
A confidential meeting was held last night between the Duke and other representatives of the Duchy, Lady Flame, Egan, and Nathan Hawke to discuss the use of a powerful magical artifact against the current orc threat. We are only permitted to report brief details of this meeting, for obvious reasons.
The item in question was recently retrieved from Dungeon Destard by the Duchy for an unspecified purpose, but was not initially intended as a weapon. Indeed, the Duke specifically ruled out its use against any enemy other than the orcs, stating that it was too dangerous.
In order to use it at all, however, the effects must be controlled or limited in some way. Duchy experts are unable to ascertain how this might be done at present. To better understand it, the origins of the artifact are to be explored, with an expedition to the Yew Crypts taking place on Wednesday. It is believed that this is where it was created.
Big Bounties
According to a spokesman the Trinsic City Watch has managed to root out a larger hideout of a smuggler gang in Trinsic. The hideout was discovered during ongoing investigations and large amounts of illegal goods, amongst them especially necromantic goods, weapons, armour, poison and addictive substances have been confiscated and destroyed. While the City Watch cannot yet reveal more information, to not endanger the investigations, we have been told that progress has been made and that several criminals had been apprehended.