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EM Event The Trial of the Instigator


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He watched through the bars of his jail cell, as the hooded man was escorted in.
The man stood in front of his cell in silence. The Instigator could not see his features in the shadow of the hood, but knew who he was none the less.
"What are you doing here?" he spat out."My liege should have killed you."
The man held steady in his hooded gaze,several minutes went by before he spoke.
"You are the last,and by the virtues, you will pay for your crimes against the cities. Prepare yourself to meet the same fate as your ..master."
The Instigator pales and a trickle of sweat winds down his brow,as the Hooded man turns and leaves.

Event: The Trial of the Instigator

Date: 9/20/12

Time: 7pm PST

Meet: Yew Court

Note: You are encouraged to step forth and either defend or add to the prosecution during the trial.
(Be prepared for anything!)