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NEWS The Township of Caerleon


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Greeting and salutations fellow travellers!

A few months ago one of the oldest player run towns on Sonoma petitioned for a town stone and was gifted one by the EM's and Messena. Now with the frenzies that is going on with the 15th aniversary of Ultima Online i thought i would share with you our new town stone and a quick write up as to what the town is and who all is represented there.

Town name Caerleon
Town location South of the Compassion Mountains, North of the Britain Forest, West of the Bog of Desolation, North of the Loch Lake and Sea. Coordinates are Sonoma Trammel 32º31′N 50º3′E
When it was founded: June 23 2000 @ 22:46, 2 of the Castles in the town are in fact listed on the new Stratics and EA ‘Oldest Houses in UO’ List (both 4H Castles)
Allegiance With the Crown
Number of houses 14
Coordinates for the banner 34º37′N 48º1′E which is the common tree between 4H and KVP guild houses where we meet a lot to discuss events.

Cohesiveness: Which houses are part of the town and what marks a house as part of the town? All the houses in the Town have the Caerleon on their house sign or on their bulletin board inside their house.

Activity: How does your establishment or town promote a vibrant community? The majority of the houses in the town are run by the KVP guild which is one of the oldest and biggest guilds on Sonoma, they alone own more than ¼ of the houses in our community. 4H, again one of the oldest and biggest guilds on Sonoma owns the 2 castles in the middle of the town one of those castles being its Guild Hall. And the biggest guild on Sonoma PAS owns a keep in the town that they use as their Museum for Sonoma. Combined the 3 guilds are present at almost all events and arc on the shard.

History: Where can one find more information about the history of your town? The history of the Town of Caerleon can be found in the permanent books that are locked down at both the KVP guild castle and also the 4H Guild Castle.

Communication: How would visitors to your town normally communicate with its inhabitants? Each of the HUBs of the town (the KVP Castle and the 4H Castle) have bulletin boards in them for communication, also as KVP and 4H are both 2 of the biggest and oldest guild on Sonoma (KVP being in the biggest alliance on Sonoma) there is also a mastery directory located at the 4H castle that is under lock and key, in it holds the name and contact information for each house owner in the entire area in both ICQ and Email and character names.
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The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
This book as passed around a while back when we where making the pitch to go for a town stone.

With a warm heart I greet thee resident and traveler of Sosaria. My name is Venom the Mage but some of you may know me better by the name Poo the Bard. I have left you this book that I made with my own hands with resources I gathered and I even pressed the ink into the book permanently with red leafs so these words will be forever embossed upon these pages for this message is of the upmost of importance.
Shortly we will petition the Crown to give our little township of Caerleon official status as indeed a town in name forever on this our home shard of Sonoma. As you may or may not know this area reaching from the Bog of Desolation in the East to the Mighty Britain Forest in the West to the Compassion Mountains in the North down to the Loch Lake and Sea in the South, has since June of 2000 been considered a Township of friendly neighbors who together call it Caerleon.
Some of the oldest and biggest guilds on Sonoma have houses and Guild halls in Caerleon.

Keepers of the Virtues Path (KVP), The Four Horsemen (4H) and the People’s Army of Sonoma (PAS) are just a few of the honored guilds that have mighty Castles and Keeps in this township.
Thou our numbers of houses over the years have fallen, where once we had numerous cottages dotting the Kings Highway to the Guard Outpost we now have mighty Keeps and Castles. We may have lost a few of our brothers and sisters who have moved to other areas or bigger houses we have kept on with our close neighborhood of Caerleon. Watching out for each other and meeting each other with a friendly smile and a warm hug or handshake. We have stood the test of time over the past 12 years and most houses here still proudly fly the flag of Caerleon on their sign post.
So today I hope this book finds you well. And I would like to keep everyone here in our small neighborhood up to date with what is going on with our Town. While we have all considered it ‘our’ town, I have talked with a few of the other members of Caerleon and decided to make an official request to have our town recognised as such, a Town. So what has this to do with you? Fear not for we are not looking for any gold or items or even that elusive and valuable commodity that is time, no, we are just looking to reaffirm that you are wanting to stay in our neighborhood town and that you support our move to have it recognised by the Crown. If you are not already in the town or do not consider yourself part of the town because you do not have its name on your house sign, not to worry, you are already considered part of our town just by living here. If you wish to full come into the town all our membership requires of you is that you add the name *Caerleon* to your house sign after your house name. Have a look around the block at your neighbor’s house signs and you will how we do it.
I will try to get into contact with you all and get your ICQ numbers or email and make a nice little directory of all of the residence of our town. I would love to keep you up to date with our petition and add you to my list of Caerleon neighbors.
Safest of travels my friends.