She saw the stockings hung on the walls of luna and was hopeful, thinking maybe on Christmas morning they would have some little momento to remember the naughty elves that had invaded the land and stolen the deco. The elves had parished at the hands of the people but had Christmas been saved? There had been no mention one way or another that she knew of. As Christmas morning dawned, the sun gleaming through the curtains the young maiden rose with a mischievious smile. She dressed quickly and headed out the door and to Luna still hopeful of the gift it would or might hold.
Upon her arrival her smile turned to a slight sadden frown as she gazed at the stockings on the walls. A deep sigh and a slight shake of the shoulders as if brushing sadness from her heart aside the smile once more took hold. Perhaps the gifts had too been stolen by the naughty elves that may have survived, or perhaps the one who had promised the reward for capturing the elves and returning the deco had been taken ill or simply become busy with other more important issues of the land.
Her gaze fell on the stocking once more and a whisper escaped unrealized through slightly parted lips..."If all I get for Christmas is that stocking on the wall I would be the happiest of all." She would wait until the news came she thought as she wondered her way home.