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The Secret World


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend

I believe it's worth mentioning this, this game has been long awaited by all of us tired of the typical online games out there.

No classes, no levels, no restrictions, full customization, rich lore.
Modern-day Horror MMO. At least for me, UO just got instantly replaced(as if I was even playing TBH). Whatever the faults of TSW may be, I'm in.

I read the game engine's an upgraded version of the one used in Age Of Conan. Same company by the way.

Until Warhammer 40.000 MMO comes out this one will be getting my money. My account in UO has been inactive for months now and I feel no urge to play with my friends feeling exactly the same, so can anyone tell me how can I sell it safely and securely once and for all? :D

Old Man of UO

And this REALLY belongs in the OT section, since it has nothing to do with UO.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks crappy.

Its just a combination of ninja vs. alien junk. I would not call this modern horror / sci fi. They are just playing on the asian theme , kinda like the mess that was Samruai Empire. But looking at you avatar and sig I see you go for that sort of thing.

I personally think its like mikxing fried chicken and ice cream in a blender. No thanks.

Oh, and Age of Conan is doing just sooooo well. /sarcasm

Nyte Doombringer

LOL Yea have fun all I had to see was Funcom, good games they have Anarchy Online and AOC . If this is anything like their last 2 flops. Enjoy I'll be fine in UO


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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It would take an unbelievable amount of total awesomness to get me to leave my home in UO... Either that or it would take an act of the Gods..... (ie they shut UO down)... not much could entice me from the land... Certainly not anything space related.... way not into that. I mean I liked Star Wars and Star Trek and all that but when it comes to fantasy and role-play which is what I truly enjoy.... No... no space stuff... I don't much fantasize about space... Give me swords and sorcery....


To answer your question about selling your account. DON'T! Its inactive. Leave it that way. For UO is like gravity. It will suck you back in.
There are probally one or two safe ways to sell it. But with stuff going on today. I would say just sit on the account for awhile.

Hate to see anyone go. But good luck in your travels and hope this new game goes well for you.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To Sunrise:

Thanks. Well I really do not want to play Ultima any longer, I was planning to wait until SA but I simply don't find it fun any more.
As for the account I'm pretty much certain I'd like to sell it. I guess there's some research to be done about this if I want to be safe... :blushing:
All my UO "memories" or at least the ones I want to keep are safe in my head and in my HD.. Like Valentine's Cards from a certain person, etc.. :blushing:
But it's just all a good memory already, nothing else.

To Connor:

"Looks crappy." Search for some pre-Alpha screens. Then compare to UO's looks. Then fix this statement.

Its just a combination of Ninja Vs. Alien junk.

No, it actually isn't.. "Oh, a katana. IT MUST BE A FULL NINJA GAME. And an alien(actually it's a demon), it must be like that ALIEN movie! SO YEAH MAN, IT'S NINJA VS ALIENS".

You are hopeless.. :talktothehand:

If it's junk or not remains to be seen, although if I wanted to be as subjective and opinionated as you are I'd have to say there is nothing trashier than UO in 2009.

You wouldn't say a game based on the Cthulu mythos and ancient mysteries, parallel dimensios and demons has anything to do with Horror?.. Mmmkay. I don't think they are advertizing it as SciFi in the sense that it is set in the present day, so apart from some form of magic or whatever the science levels and technology are what we use now. :wall:

"No thanks." Hey, no prob. I am not trying to convert you or something! Don't shoot me! :) I'm just happy it's on its way.

"Oh, and Age of Conan is doing just sooooo well."

Ohhhh, and UO is doing muuuuuch better..!! :coco:

To NyteDoombringer:

I don't see how AOC fails. I personally do not like it but after they addressed some critical issues it's a very enjoyable game if you're into Classes and Levels. So 2 major titles, 1 is pretty good. Sounds okay to me. And if nothing else, Anarchy Online was a nice concept!

To Mistura:

Yes, I was in a weird mood that day! LOL! :danceb: I should change it, it must be 3 years old.

To MalagAste:

Ummm.. LOL. In the small video it clearly shows this game will offer swords and sorcery among other things.. ;) And it's set in the PRESENT DAY. NOT IN SOME REMOTE FAR AWAY GALAXY 1000 YEARS LATER :) Just saying!!