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The Relaxing Treasure Hunt


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
last night a guild mate decided we should crank out a Horde map to finish off a nice weekend of doing the new event and other hunts.
i agreed to come along and join him for the T-Map fun.
we were both a little surprised when the map turned out to be 7 tiles out his front door!!!!!

ive seen a lot of strange places for T-maps over the years, but it was sure unique to be able to sit on the front steps of my guild mates castle and do this one.

thought id share.

T map 2021a.jpg

T map 2021b.png


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Behind my house is a tmap spot so occasionally I see people working on one and offer to help. I like this kind of situation :)