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The recluse returns to Second Life.

Luka Melehan

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
There are a ton of things to do in Second Life. Dances, clubs, shopping...the social possibilities are endless. There are RP communities of every genre. You can even promote your Real Life businesses and interests. However, being a hermit myself, my amusement with such things don't last long.

Yes, if you've seen Gamer, Second Life can be very much like that. Even the RP communities got old....same drama as everywhere else. So why come back?
I am an artist/hobbiest and have dabbled in 3D art when I could. But it is not so accessible as it is in Second Life. I am totally addicted and to make it worse, my number one RP buddy is too! It practically took an act of God to tear us from it a few years ago. All it really took was both of us to be in the mood to build at the same time and we were toast.
Let me show you how cool it is....

Anyone who has ever gamed with me knows how much I love housing, clothing and customability. In Second Life, you have complete control. Any genre, any style. If you rent or buy land, you even have landscaping controls. Want a white Christmas? Make it snow!

Everything you might want in a game can be created with a tool that manipulates shapes. These shapes are attached together in such ways that it creates objects. Picture files can be added to them as textures and scripts to give them functionality. Housing.....clothing.....bumper cars...you name it. Ultimate cusomization!


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
That's amazing! I logged in a couple times, but felt a little lost. Maybe I'll give it another shot one day.

Luka Melehan

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Let me know when you do, I can show ya the saner aspects lol