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The plate issue. (READ ME) *DELETED* *DELETED*


Cruz Cavera

Good post. I agree, when I owned the #1 Skill House for awhile. The plate issue was sooo annoying for a few weeks after EA-Land opened. It's not as bad now, but it's still bad. I think skill house owners, that have active houses should get an extra weekly bonus. Hosting 30+ people is Job, and that's putting it lightly. It drains you but getting to meet all the great people over comes all that.


wow dude you are taking it way to seriously OMG dont you have some real life stuff to obsess over?? You can not control the actions of other people so i suggest you either get out of the hosting business or please for your own well being, lighten up. I not rude I take my plate most of the time but sometimes im lagging so bad or my sim may be on the verge of peeing on herself and someone else (not a roomie) who has just finished eating will clean it up np and id do the same. Its people like you who have made it such an issue that now others will get all up in arms about it. Ive been playing the game since the start and had my share of hosting and beleive you me, plates are the least of the worries. This is a GAME, just play it.

Please tell me your house name so i will never visit lol



Good post. I agree, when I owned the #1 Skill House for awhile. The plate issue was sooo annoying for a few weeks after EA-Land opened. It's not as bad now, but it's still bad. I think skill house owners, that have active houses should get an extra weekly bonus. Hosting 30+ people is Job, and that's putting it lightly. It drains you but getting to meet all the great people over comes all that.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO ego trip much?

Regarding the plate issue, I have to say I have always believed that it is just another day in the life of a host BUT and it is a big BUT... be the considerate person and help us out. Tipping is greatly appreciated but little things like cleaning up your plate means a lot too! And I try hard to thank those who do it without being asked.



wow dude you are taking it way to seriously OMG dont you have some real life stuff to obsess over?? You can not control the actions of other people so i suggest you either get out of the hosting business or please for your own well being, lighten up. I not rude I take my plate most of the time but sometimes im lagging so bad or my sim may be on the verge of peeing on herself and someone else (not a roomie) who has just finished eating will clean it up np and id do the same. Its people like you who have made it such an issue that now others will get all up in arms about it. Ive been playing the game since the start and had my share of hosting and beleive you me, plates are the least of the worries. This is a GAME, just play it.

I have to agree here. Geez, if a little thing like picking up plates compelled you to post I think you are taking the game way too seriously. I alway's pick up my plate but big deal if I have to do it at my own house. It's an extra click or two. This isn't real life so comparing it to real life is silly. I have two children and picking up after them is a way of life. Do you think strangers are going to care enough about you to pick up their plates in a game? Bite the bullet, pick up the plates or don't host. You aren't going to ban everyone that doesn't tip you or pick up their plates so complaining about something that has been complained about over and over and over since the beginning of the game isn't going to do you any good. I get your point but trust me, the people you are calling out to pick up their plates don't care and probably aren't on these boards anyway.


The plate issue is simple. Make it so you can click to clean it as you eat.

Stop blaming the players for a design inadequacy.

People want to green efficiently, they click the items and set up a que. Plate clean up does not fit the que.

I have also hosted at a busy lot and never once told anyone to pick up a plate, except for the maid. I understand that the clean up does not fit smoothly.

Greening is an annoyance. People want to set it up and take a break before their next set of skilling, money making, etc.

The game mechanics do not allow for easy plate pick up. Its not laziness, or rudeness.

Learn how the mechanics of the game work before you blame others.



The game mechanics do not allow for easy plate pick up. Its not laziness, or rudeness.

[/ QUOTE ]
I disagree... LAZINESS is not clicking on the darn plate.

I am not one to complain to my guests and normally i just consider it all in a host's day. But i will also agree that it does get OLD very quickly. Why is it so had for some ppl to just be courteous and gran their own mess. I don't expect them to clean shower,make beds etc etc. But seriously I been here 5 (off n on) NEVER been such an issue as it is now. Did SOME *avatar's* manner go with our sims? I can see the view point of the poster, can you people really not? And TIPS? What are those? Oh the best are the puddles of pee some avs leave , those are the best. It really does take a toll on the host/hostess, takes the fun out of the game too.... imo.



wow dude you are taking it way to seriously OMG dont you have some real life stuff to obsess over?? You can not control the actions of other people so i suggest you either get out of the hosting business or please for your own well being, lighten up. I not rude I take my plate most of the time but sometimes im lagging so bad or my sim may be on the verge of peeing on herself and someone else (not a roomie) who has just finished eating will clean it up np and id do the same. Its people like you who have made it such an issue that now others will get all up in arms about it. Ive been playing the game since the start and had my share of hosting and beleive you me, plates are the least of the worries. This is a GAME, just play it.

Please tell me your house name so i will never visit lol

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Anything else I said would be non-RoC compliant, except to say I knew who wrote this post before I read the end line.


oh my gosh, whats wrong with expecting some manners from visitors? i would expect better manners from my children!!




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You can't be serious?!?! Do you not mind messy,rude avatars running a muck on your lot for hours on end? Same goes i'll do what my mother always said... nothing nice to say ... then shut up



oh my gosh, whats wrong with expecting some manners from visitors? i would expect better manners from my children!!

[/ QUOTE ]
I would never allow my children to behave the way some of these kids online do, but again i don't let mine run amok online either. Simple manners should not be asked for they should be given. This game has become more challenging as it is, why not make everyone's avatar ( i say sim ) day easier and clean up after ourselves.Makes me wonder how these humans behind the sim live if they think it's perfectly ok to make messes at other people homes. Sad!


I have erased what I originally was going to say, and thought it best to keep quiet on this.

I do feel the need, however, to ask you if maybe you have put a little TOO much thought into this?





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You can't be serious?!?! Do you not mind messy,rude avatars running a muck on your lot for hours on end? Same goes i'll do what my mother always said... nothing nice to say ... then shut up

[/ QUOTE ]

I mind rude hosts who are there by CHOICE and then SCREAM at me worse. When I got to the point that I was ready to do that to my guests I just closed my lot and let somebody else who wanted to do it have a crack at the coveted #1 spot. Hosting is something a person does by choice, not something they are mandated to do, and its no longer even profitable with sim bonus and property bonuses gone, so only those who truly love to do it ought to be doing it. That's my opinion on the subject.


The main reason I prefer people to clean up after themselves is that I am not rich. I only have so many comfy chairs at the table, and when someone runs off without cleaning up after themselves, it can cause another sim to have to eat standing up.







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You can't be serious?!?! Do you not mind messy,rude avatars running a muck on your lot for hours on end? Same goes i'll do what my mother always said... nothing nice to say ... then shut up

[/ QUOTE ]

I mind rude hosts who are there by CHOICE and then SCREAM at me worse. When I got to the point that I was ready to do that to my guests I just closed my lot and let somebody else who wanted to do it have a crack at the coveted #1 spot. Hosting is something a person does by choice, not something they are mandated to do, and its no longer even profitable with sim bonus and property bonuses gone, so only those who truly love to do it ought to be doing it. That's my opinion on the subject.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I am screaming at some suggested I am doing, Its not at anyone in particular. Its to EVERYONE in the house. And I only do that when I have done it for hours on end and I get SICK of doing it!

Sure. I am there by choice. But its also my home. I dont like cleaning in RL and I absolutely for sure? Are not gonna do it in a durn game! lol

I spend so much time cleaning up after people? Thats its all a host does. lol (Whats the fun in that?- lol)

And then, When I raise the prices of food? Then people get the gall to get upset with me over even that. Its like you cant win for lose anymore! lol

And again, If I am shouting. Its not to one person in the house. Its at everyone in it. Its just cause I am getting very tired of picking them up. And thats the only thing I ask of people. (I dont pancake over showers and/or beds.)

In the old days of Sims Online. This was very common knowledge. And people would get even upset at you over beds and showers. Shoot, Some would even boot you over plates. And I dont even go that far! LOL...

Like I said earlier. Once EA/Devs make a post or reply about this issue? Either they tell us to take it in stride and then I will know to quit pancakes about it since its just going to continue to be always a problem?

Or they are aware of it and will try to come up with something. Cause this is indeed a very extreme huge problem. (If it was not a problem, They would not be so many signs made over the issue.)

And again goes back to my point. I never understood why this has became such a big problem. And that was why I made this post in the first place. (Not getting all these negative blows.) And which I feel? Is unwarranted at myself.

Oh well, How it goes I guess. At least maybe it helped a few out there who may have found it useful.

Take care.

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For the record, I have no problem with the signs asking people to clean up the plates, and actually find the 'your momma doesn't live here' signs to be humorous, and I even have no problem with being in a house and hearing once or twice in the course of a night "Hey guys, it'd be really nice if you could *try* to clean up your plates and help the roomies, but when its yelled in room chat, more than half a dozen times in the span of an hour (no exaggeration, that was the last time I visited this particular house or will visit it), then yeah I start to have an issue. A house in the residence lot is your home, a house in any other category is more akin to a place of business or employment, except that now its more volunteer type employment because EA took away the property bonus, but that was their decision, not the players so I do not feel that holding us accountable for you not making any money at it anymore is fair or just. I understand that this can accelerate the process of getting sick of certain aspects of hosting, but again that's an issue to be taken up with EA, and this is not the place to do that since this is not the official forums for the game. The devs read and respond here, but purely as a courtesy when they can, so the likelihood of getting them to respond to this thread in particular out of the hundreds is remote. An e-mail sent to them with your concerns would be more appropos, I think, although you still might not get a personalized response because of the volume of mail I am sure they get with bug reports and things that are a much higher priority.

Every lot is given a ban list and an admit list. If it really gets under your skin that much, then monitor the kitchen area and instead of screaming at the whole property at once either IM the ones that habitually don't clean up after themselves, or just boot them. Or in the extreme, put your house on admit list and only invite the people that you know are extra coscientious about it to be on that list. It's your property, nobody is saying that you should put up with things that you don't like, but nor should it be acceptable for you to go about combatting it in the ways that you have instead of using the in-game tools, namely the ban list and admit list, to filter out those that you don't want and/or filter in those that you do. That's the main point I was making.


First of all, I really appreciate the tone you are taking with all of your posts. You keep it light and unoffensive; something you don't see on these boards all the time!

Onto what this thread is about!

I am unsure what you expect the Dev's to tell you...? Are you looking for a game-wide law that all sims must clean up their plates or face the consequences? Yea... I didn't think so haha. I think it was Aqualung who brought up the option to clean your plate while you are eating it. That is a great suggestion and I would also like to hear what the Dev's think about that. Try bringing it up at a Town meeting and if you do, get back to me please!

I still believe, however, that cleaning up plates will ALWAYS be another task for a host. And I don't say that in an insensitive way... I have been there, I love hosting and I always will. Yes it can be annoying to have to click on the plate but it's not like I am doing it without any personal gain!

Guests give you hours... that is their contribution to you. Whether you like hosting and hours are an added bonus, or you host only for the hours... you are still getting something in return for all hosting duties. If this isn't what you are about and you just want to meet people... feel free to do so! Just stop hosting and go out and explore the city. You cannot keep hosting expecting to never have to clean up a plate again.

Then, there is the issue of free sims! I think this may be a contributing factor to your frustration (the fact that free sims do not return anything back for hosting them). Seeing that you live in TC3 this is very understandable and the problem now has become free sims! Those little moochers!


I don't mind picking up some plates, but hosting is more than just that, and when someone ends up standing up and eating, sometimes you don't catch the plate on the floor - not the mention that the sim (oh, excuse me, avator) has no comfort while eating because he/she was STANDING up - and the maid isn't always around it messes with room score. I understand the cue thingy, and it was a good suggestion to click on plates to be able to clean them up, but it doesn't take THAT much time to wait a few minutes for them to finish eating. How many people end up having to eat standing up, or cue up showers and toilets and end up either blocking other people, or peeing on the floor because their cued toilet was taken by another? Then they have to shower twice as long. A host can only do so much, especially when now you can have up to 30+ people to cater too.



I don't mind picking up some plates, but hosting is more than just that, and when someone ends up standing up and eating, sometimes you don't catch the plate on the floor - not the mention that the sim (oh, excuse me, avator) has no comfort while eating because he/she was STANDING up - and the maid isn't always around it messes with room score. I understand the cue thingy, and it was a good suggestion to click on plates to be able to clean them up, but it doesn't take THAT much time to wait a few minutes for them to finish eating. How many people end up having to eat standing up, or cue up showers and toilets and end up either blocking other people, or peeing on the floor because their cued toilet was taken by another? Then they have to shower twice as long. A host can only do so much, especially when now you can have up to 30 people to cater too.

[/ QUOTE ]

TBH I rarely see Sims standing up eating and if they do there is no reason for it because there are chairs around. I think comfort is very much far from the issue because there are other places to get it during greening/skilling (sitting at a computer; skilling cooking or mech).

Blocking toilets has nothing to do with cleaning up plates... I think you are getting away from the main point of this post. That has to do with players being AFK and no one is always active; people have real lives! A lot of hosts are often doing the blocking if I ever witness it. (Queue up serenades and going AFK!)

And again I host 30 people houses I know it's hard and it requires a lot of attention... if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. I'm sorry! It's a cheesy old saying but it's true.


Too bad then that not everyone can afford to have that many chairs around the table (I have 6), or have someone with Lure on the site to clear out the bathroom. I said I have no problem with cleaning up some, but you have other things as a host to do, and the ones that block the ability for another sim to sit down, and eat is simply wrong. Not even getting into the discussion about rather they should clean up after themselves. That's just common curtesy, not only to hosts but other guests. If there are plenty of chairs, no problem, but if there isn't then people need to be a bit understanding.




I don't mind picking up some plates, but hosting is more than just that, and when someone ends up standing up and eating, sometimes you don't catch the plate on the floor - not the mention that the sim (oh, excuse me, avator) has no comfort while eating because he/she was STANDING up - and the maid isn't always around it messes with room score. I understand the cue thingy, and it was a good suggestion to click on plates to be able to clean them up, but it doesn't take THAT much time to wait a few minutes for them to finish eating. How many people end up having to eat standing up, or cue up showers and toilets and end up either blocking other people, or peeing on the floor because their cued toilet was taken by another? Then they have to shower twice as long. A host can only do so much, especially when now you can have up to 30 people to cater too.

[/ QUOTE ]

TBH I rarely see Sims standing up eating and if they do there is no reason for it because there are chairs around. I think comfort is very much far from the issue because there are other places to get it during greening/skilling (sitting at a computer; skilling cooking or mech).

Blocking toilets has nothing to do with cleaning up plates... I think you are getting away from the main point of this post. That has to do with players being AFK and no one is always active; people have real lives! A lot of hosts are often doing the blocking if I ever witness it. (Queue up serenades and going AFK!)

And again I host 30 people houses I know it's hard and it requires a lot of attention... if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. I'm sorry! It's a cheesy old saying but it's true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly.....not to mention even if store prices on regular greening items are out of sight, custom content chairs are still regularly priced and all cc chairs have comfort 5, which isn't shabby at all. Plus as drew says there are chairs in front of laptops or custom computers so sims get comfort there even if they are skilling body or charm that drains it, and get serenaded so that they don't need energy. Some houses don't even serenade so your sim has to use a bed anyway and the moroccan beds and the custom crafted ones all have high comfort, so standing up to eat a plate of food is not gonna kill a sim, PLUS that sim could clear a plate before they eat if it was really a big deal. Cueing plates prior to eating is alot easier than waiting to cue up the rest of your green cycle because you have to wait until after your sim finishes eating each and every plate to cue clean up before eating the next one. Some hosts start pancakes even before you finish the 2nd or 3rd plate (depending on the buffet if a sim has low cooking) so that you can click on one of your finished plates as you're eating the next one to clean them all at once, so finally I figured screw it if I'm gonna get griped at either way why try, so that mop flops both ways. Burn your bridges with the guests that are willing to meet you half way and soon they become slobs, too.



I spend so much time cleaning up after people? Thats its all a host does. lol (Whats the fun in that?- lol)

[/ QUOTE ]

To me this says it all. I am not trying to be rude or insensitive to your problem but if your not having fun doing what a host is often expected to do then simply don't do it anymore and the same goes for anyone else who finds themselves in a situation where they are not enjoying the game. If something was bothering me that much i would omit it out of my life. The stress your causing for yourself is not worth it. This a game, the roaches are not real, and if a person just so happens not to pick up a plate doesn't mean they are hideously lazy or messy in real life. My point is that life is way to short so go do something that makes you happy and makes you laugh. =)



Too bad then that not everyone can afford to have that many chairs around the table (I have 6), or have someone with Lure on the site to clear out the bathroom. I said I have no problem with cleaning up some, but you have other things as a host to do, and the ones that block the ability for another sim to sit down, and eat is simply wrong. Not even getting into the discussion about rather they should clean up after themselves. That's just common curtesy, not only to hosts but other guests. If there are plenty of chairs, no problem, but if there isn't then people need to be a bit understanding.

[/ QUOTE ]

It sounds like you are taking hosting way too seriously. When I witness someone blocking another person on the toilet it's funny and purely a mistake. It's not inconsiderate and it's not rude. Are you kidding yourself??

I don't know where you play... TC3 may be drastically different from EA Land, but all of these things you are stressing over is barely and issue.


I don't pancake at anyone, I just handle it, but you have to remember that some of us don't have huge lots and lots of stuff, so it is twice the work on the greening when no one helps out.


Here's my issue with people getting so irate over dirty dishes.


- Would you kick someone out of your house, or stop talking to them for not cleaning up their plate?... I'd sure hope not.

- Do you have a sign outside your house that says "your mother doesn't live here, so clean up after yourself"?... I don't think so.

- Personally, when I have guests over... I wouldn't ever expect them to clean their own dishes.

And while I realize that we ARE playing a GAME... I think it's important that the way we conduct ourselves in real life, should be the same way we act in the game.

You also can't punish people for things they can't control, such as - erroring out of the game, needing to run to the bathroom before they pee on your floor, or the frequent "lag" issues.

There was a post on here a few weeks ago about someone who said they errored out of the game, before they could clean up their plate... and when she got back into the game, she was going to go back to the house to take care of it, but she had received a nasty message from the roomie and had been banned from the house.

I think people are getting WAY too carried away with this issue.

I, for one, enjoy cleaning (in the game)... call me crazy, but I do.
I feel like if I'm hosting a house, it's my job to make the environment clean and enjoyable for my guests.
And yes, I do appreciate when people clean or help me out in other ways around the house, but it's NOT mandatory.

In all honesty, when I first started playing this game, I used to yell at people for not cleaning up after themselves, or for asking for serenades.
But now, after running my own house... I feel exactly the opposite.

And as for the "other people having to clean up your mess" thing... honestly, if someone is willing to take the time and clean up their OWN plate, I don't really think it's going to bother them to have to pick up anyone else's... but I guess I can only speak on my own behalf.

And when it really gets down to it... how long does it take to put a plate in the dishwasher?... like 5 seconds?... so whether it's the person who left it there, a roomie/owner, the maid, or another guest who cleans it up... does it REALLY matter?... not really.

If something like this is going to get your undies in a bundle, my suggestion to you, is to not even serve food at your house... because no matter what... you're gonna get at least ONE person who isn't going to pick up their plate.
Whether it was for a reason they couldn't control, OR that they're just a slob... it's gonna happen.
It's just something you have to live with when you're hosting a house.

IT'S JUST A GAME... the roaches aren't real, the flies aren't real... nothing is real... get over it.




I spend so much time cleaning up after people? Thats its all a host does. lol (Whats the fun in that?- lol)

[/ QUOTE ]

To me this says it all. I am not trying to be rude or insensitive to your problem but if your not having fun doing what a host is often expected to do then simply don't do it anymore and the same goes for anyone else who finds themselves in a situation where they are not enjoying the game. If something was bothering me that much i would omit it out of my life. The stress your causing for yourself is not worth it. This a game, the roaches are not real, and if a person just so happens not to pick up a plate doesn't mean they are hideously lazy or messy in real life. My point is that life is way to short so go do something that makes you happy and makes you laugh. =)

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes! Zingara Yes! we are totally on the same page... Hosting is incredibly exhausting but I LOVE it and I clean plates, puddles, parrots feces, I light fires, I serenade, I cook, I call the repairman, I greet everyone, I carry on conversation. If I had a problem with any of that... I would stop hosting- it's a pretty simple solution


It can be funny sometimes, but if you only have so many toilets and showers and your avator isn't able to get to any and you come back to your pc to find him/her standing in pee, and waving, and STILL not able to finish greening because the stuff is blocked? Oh forget it, I should just stay lurking.




Too bad then that not everyone can afford to have that many chairs around the table (I have 6), or have someone with Lure on the site to clear out the bathroom. I said I have no problem with cleaning up some, but you have other things as a host to do, and the ones that block the ability for another sim to sit down, and eat is simply wrong. Not even getting into the discussion about rather they should clean up after themselves. That's just common curtesy, not only to hosts but other guests. If there are plenty of chairs, no problem, but if there isn't then people need to be a bit understanding.

[/ QUOTE ]

It sounds like you are taking hosting way too seriously. When I witness someone blocking another person on the toilet it's funny and purely a mistake. It's not inconsiderate and it's not rude. Are you kidding yourself??

I don't know where you play... TC3 may be drastically different from EA Land, but all of these things you are stressing over is barely and issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

Avatars are no worse at cleaning up after themselves than they have ever been over all, its just that hosts are more sensitive to it because they don't have 1k a day game money to console themselves with. It's the same with RL, a person will withstand and look over more crap and stress at a RL job that pays $20 a RL hour than they will at one that pays minimum wage, but once again that is not any of the players faults, that is EA. We are all told of changes as they take place, and opening a house is not a binding contract that you have to keep it open every day, or that you have to keep it open 20 hours a day. When you're tired of dealing with BS, close it or leave it to a roomie to keep it open until you are rejuvenated and feel up to handling it again.

I think a big problem is that as far as I know you can't keep the maid on the lot anymore using the trick that used to work. I'm thinking the devs fixed that and it is the worst mistake they could have made. If the maid was there round the clock it wouldn't be a problem because she'd be so busy cleaning up plates that she wouldn't have enough time to stand around and scratch her ass LOL. Ever notice that if you keep chores cued up for the maid to do she doesn't lolly-gag so much time in between them. Same principle LOL.



It can be funny sometimes, but if you only have so many toilets and showers and your avator isn't able to get to any and you come back to your pc to find him/her standing in pee, and waving, and STILL not able to finish greening because the stuff is blocked? Oh forget it, I should just stay lurking.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I don't want you to stay lurking! Do not get frustrated with this, I am trying to help you (not force you) to see that it really isn't a big deal. Okay so you peed yourself... go shower... go use a computer you will get your comfort back. This game is not that serious and you are making it sound like all of these situations are torturous, that is all.


Frenchee, I always put a plate on the 2nd floor and she stays hehe! Does that not work in TC3 anymore?
and did you ever get your skill speed? haha



It can be funny sometimes, but if you only have so many toilets and showers and your avator isn't able to get to any and you come back to your pc to find him/her standing in pee, and waving, and STILL not able to finish greening because the stuff is blocked? Oh forget it, I should just stay lurking.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you simply just shouldn't open your house to the public until it has a bare minimum of 6 each in toilets and showers. Even with inflation there are so many people selling stuff that they imported that the prices are inexpensive. In the first few days and weeks EA Land was open I could see this being a real issue but we are months down the road now so there's no justification for it at this point, IMO.



Frenchee, I always put a plate on the 2nd floor and she stays hehe! Does that not work in TC3 anymore?
and did you ever get your skill speed? haha

[/ QUOTE ]

I dunno if a roomie kept moving the damn thing or what, but the house owner and I tried 3 different times to hide a plate and it was always gone. I tried to get her to give me build permissions for 5 minutes so I could build a section of wall somewhere secluded and she wouldn't because she showed me she had a 4 wall pillar out back that she had put a whole stack of plates in and they kept poofing, so maybe one of the roomies kept moving it......I dunno, I no longer live at that house due to a couple teenage roomies that ended up moving in. :/

ETA: re the skill speed, no we didn't get it......rats LOL oh well there's always next weekend. One of my sims is almost fully skilled to be able to make pet feeders \o/


This is the last post I am making to this thread, because obviously too many people have taken my posts as saying that everyone needs to clean up after themselves constantly, or that I am stressed over those that don't. I only meant in smaller lots, or even larger ones at times, when plates are left if causes problems. And I have been at huge lots, skilling or whatever, and can't find an open toilet or shower because they are blocked by afkers, even when they have 6+ of each. Sorry to cause such upset by a simple observation. Goodnight all.


You didn't!!! You had good points! Hopefully things get better! Good night


I can see how it might be annoying. BUT, this is a service you provide byu choice. If i go to a restaurant to eat, even a buffett where im getting my own food, They come and take away my dirty dishes. This should not be such a big deal. It has become a serious issue because houses are not making money. Well then start CHARGING for services. Its a lot easier to handle situations such as this if your being compensated. I have been to a few houses lately that charge nominally for buffett. The house was full and i saw not one person complain. I think they should charge more. And i think we will see this happen alot more.




I think a big problem is that as far as I know you can't keep the maid on the lot anymore using the trick that used to work. I'm thinking the devs fixed that and it is the worst mistake they could have made. If the maid was there round the clock it wouldn't be a problem because she'd be so busy cleaning up plates that she wouldn't have enough time to stand around and scratch her ass LOL. Ever notice that if you keep chores cued up for the maid to do she doesn't lolly-gag so much time in between them. Same principle LOL.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what we need right? SERVO was SIMS 1!!!

Problem solved! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!

But yeah, Thats what we need. Maybe also the "Butler/Caterer" Which was that from, House Party? LOL

But seriously, After getting all these negatives? I am just gonna quit pancakes about it from on. It seems the negatives are over powering the positives on this discussion. It they pile up? They pile up! Screw it! LOL

Take care everyone, Hope to see you in game!

undertheblade in TC3.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes! haha that is ABSOLUTELY what we need around here!
let us end this thread with a request for our beloved Servo...



but seriously, After getting all these negatives? I am just gonna quit pancakes about it from on. It seems the negatives are over powering the positives on this discussion. It they pile up? They pile up! Screw it! LOL

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont see how not taking sim life so seriously can be a negative point. If anything you brought this negative energy to the boards.

Have a great night and dont forget to enjoy the game hun =)





I think a big problem is that as far as I know you can't keep the maid on the lot anymore using the trick that used to work. I'm thinking the devs fixed that and it is the worst mistake they could have made. If the maid was there round the clock it wouldn't be a problem because she'd be so busy cleaning up plates that she wouldn't have enough time to stand around and scratch her ass LOL. Ever notice that if you keep chores cued up for the maid to do she doesn't lolly-gag so much time in between them. Same principle LOL.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what we need right? SERVO was SIMS 1!!!

Problem solved! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!

But yeah, Thats what we need. Maybe also the "Butler/Caterer" Which was that from, House Party? LOL

But seriously, After getting all these negatives? I am just gonna quit pancakes about it from on. It seems the negatives are over powering the positives on this discussion. It they pile up? They pile up! Screw it! LOL

Take care everyone, Hope to see you in game!

undertheblade in TC3.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes! haha that is ABSOLUTELY what we need around here!
let us end this thread with a request for our beloved Servo...

[/ QUOTE ]

That's an idea I would back 118%, on both points, drew

However, with the game separating itself from the TS1 and TS2 franchise, I think our days of getting stuff from the offline game objects is over
It WOULD have made an excellent 6th year anniversary object, or a high price object that would serve as a big money drain when the house owners that just really wanted to bypass the whole issue would be able to get. Let's see.

The maid is 10 e.m.u. a game hour. That's 240 e.m.u game day if you can manage to keep her on your lot through hiding the plates.

Some basic figures, good thing I'm good in math LOL

5 RL minutes = 1 sim hour
40 RL minutes = 8 sim hours
2 RL hours = 24 sim hours

The top houses stay open 8-12 RL hours a day, on average, some as many as 20-22, but we'll take the lower number for purposes of calculation. If the maid costs 10 e.m.u per sim hour then every sim day you are paying her 240 e.m.u. or ballpark between 1920-3600 a RL hosting day coming out of the owner's pocket since the maid is the only NPC that the owner pays for, not the roomie that hires him/her. IMO, that would mean that the servo should cost somewhere between 15k-25k, since that's about what you'd shell out for the maid in a RL week if you kept her on the lot every hour your lot was open. For that price, you never have to pay another maid, you don't have to waste your breath harping at guests and therefore you don't alienate them which gives you a better shot at being #1 since alienated guests will find somewhere else to go to help them be #1 instead of you.

Seeing all that on paper makes me wish it was possible, and maybe it would be possible for the devs to make an object custom for this game that would be possible, or when we are able to make objects that have game code in them ourselves through custom content, maybe somebody will make this and call it something besides a Servo and make a bloody fortune off of it with hosts that want to be #1 but dont' want to work like dogs to do it LOL.


*shrug* to me the most negative post was the original one.
It used to be flybys that house owners complained of back in the day. People actually got banned for landing then going on somewhere else without saying anything.. Now its plates??
How ridiculous can the complaints get?
I ran a top 3 skilll house in BF for over a year and to me cleaning plates after guests was just as much part of the job as seranading or greeting.
The point is that as house owner you are striving for your clientelle not to complain about the house, not looking for reasons to complain about them.i clean my plate as a guesture of goodwill towards the roomies, who were kind enough to provide me with food, but if i inadvertantly forgot to clean that plate and one of them complained about it, i wouldnt go back there. Thats just plain rude in my opinion.
My sim wife and I were considering starting up again shortly, but unless the economic situation improves to an extent where maids fees wont become an issue i dont think we'll be going there.
If you cant run a house properly and as a service driven ideal, then simply dont do it in my opinion



this is why people need to start charging for their services.

[/ QUOTE ]



To me cleaning up your own plate is a common courtesy, particularly if you are not being charged for the food.

People make analogies to not clearing up a plate when you go to a restuarant in RL - there is one big difference, you're not going to a restaurant to eat for free, you are paying a price to eat there and the cost of the waiters/waitresses to clear up after you as well as the other overheads of the restaurant is factored into the price of the meal.

One of the reasons this may have become more of an issue for many is that we now have almost double the amount of visitors able to visit a property at one time. When it was only 18 and pretty much 100% of the guests were not new players and in the main cleaned up after themselves, messy dishes were probably not so noticeable.

I've seen quite a few "Please clean up your dishes" signs up near the dining area - I think these are a good idea to help educate new players that there is an ingame etiquette for most categories of property, that its polite to clean up after yourself and the host is not there to be your personal servant.

As for the game mechanics not allowing you to click on your own plate before you have finished eating, thats a good point. If there is an empty plate left near me when I eat, I queue to clear it up, knowing that I'll pick that one up first and then my own.

Maybe one day we will see more properties run as businesses, rather than "homes", so they're set up to charge for food and maybe even hire other players as butlers/waiters/waitresses to help clean up.



I agree with both Aqua Lung AND Twisted. How? Because Aqua is right the game mechanics make it very difficult for us to que up several things to do so our human can run off and take care of RL for a min. And real life does make us pause many times in game play, it's the nature of RL
. But as for agreeing with Twisted, I think people are missing the true point he is trying to make. He wants them to do just that..change the mechanics of the game so that when we eat a plate we automatically PICK up said plate. This I totally agree with since I play sims 1, and the sims there were nice neat freaks, always cleaning up after themselves without me having to program them to do it. That's all I think is going on here..a NEED for that to be changed.



You have got to be kidding, right?? Of all the things that people find to complain about in TSO, you decide to fill up half a page with rants about people not picking up their dirty plates??

Oh my god, my sides are aching from laughing! Thanks, a good joke is always appreciated! Seriously, find something else to complain about - it shouldn't be hard, just check some of the other threads for inspirations!

*wipes tears from eye and goes off chuckling merrily to herself*

imported_Spaghetti Legs

FYI, the maid leaves at 6:00 pm regardless of placing something to keep her there. Hiding something old or dirty only serves to keep her from leaving before 6:00 pm. My .02.



What are roomies FOR if not for helping with the house? Who needs a maid or servo or butler, work those roomies. If you don't have roomies that will happily do this then you have a sad bunch of leeches in your house. Lose them and get ones who can help out.

If you can't handle a house full of 35 avatars, lock the property before it gets to be too many for you to handle comfortably.

If picking up after guests is still an issue, then you should rethink being a HOST.

If you wont charge a small fee for food then don't whine about having to feed them for free.

All of your complaints are within your power to fix. It is more fun, I suppose, to sit back and cry about the unfairness of the game but it gets old quick and just makes you look bad.

They are just dishes, and no, in regards to your original post I would not be upset if someone I had invited to be a guest in my house didn't take their plates to the sink, or scrub the shower or toilet for that matter.