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[Discussion] The "Perfect" Non-Tamer EM Event Toon?

  • Thread starter Sedreh Sudre
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  • Watchers 1

Sedreh Sudre

Note: I wasn't sure where to put this, as it doesnt fit anywhere in the current 'listings' that stratics has for forums. Its for EM events which is what a lot of this forum is so I put it here.

I am thinking of trying to put together a toon especially for attending EM events.

I am FAR too lazy to level up a 120 tamer, to be honest I think that cheating and hopefully one day the EMs will answer the tamer domination of EM Events because it it annoying.

That being said I want to create a character that would be ONLY for EM events, and basically be seemingly worthless for anything else. I only continue to play UO for the EM events and role playing anyhow.

This is the template I am looking at.

100 hiding
100 stealth (Hiding and Stealth for staying hidden and thus alive)
120 stealing (for stealing from EM mobs and possibly items off ground?)
100 Spiritspeak (For healing, lots of corpses around!)
120 Magery (For Summons and Damage)
100 Eval Int (For extra Damage?)
100 Meditation (For Mana Regen)

(This would require a bit of skill jewlery, but not too bad)

Another option is something like this:
100 hiding
100 stealth (Hiding and Stealth for staying hidden and thus alive)
120 stealing (for stealing from EM mobs and possibly items off ground?)
100 Spiritspeak (For healing, lots of corpses around!)
115 Archery
100 Tactics
85 Chivalry

(With this one you could also use smugglers Edge)

Or a total "Stay Alive!" Template
100 hiding
100 stealth
120 stealing
100 Spiritspeak
120 Resist
120 Parry

Which leaves 60 points in maybe magery + some jewlery for some damage?



Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend

I see 2x a much sampires as I do tamers at the EM events I've attended.. Regardless, I'd rather have a bunch of tamers then sampires.

Tamers are easier to overpass damage wise, with a necro/mage with slayer spellbook.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well the char I use at most em events has these skills. BTW I get alot of drops.

120 Imbuing
120 focus
120 Mysticism
120 Med
100 Magery
100 eval
junk skills for the rest.
I just wear some imbued armor with 100 lrc, resists are crap.

I get a drop about 60% of the time.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
u can steal event items from EM monsters ?


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend
Trade secrets are not so easily devulged sirs. :)

I don't know if you can steal OFF em monsters to get EM items, but there sure has been a bunch of "thief" type events as of late.....


u can steal event items from EM monsters ?
Knew a guy that got 4-5 drops from stealing them off of mobs before they were killed last christmas. They were the christmas clock thingies from great lakes.