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[Discussion] "the origin of Melrann"


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ive had a book in my bank box for sometime. Cant really remeber where i found it and its driving me nuts not to know what its is.
The title of the books is "the origin of melrann" and its written by "the Oracle". Whats strange about this book is that its not the normal hue, its the same hue as the Berserkers Scytch and/or the Conjurers Trinket.

Heres a picture of it.

The text inside is 6 pages long, here goes.

An orphan raised by the Cu sidhe, bought up to respect and care for all animals. Her deep purple hair as wild as she and her eyes glow an inhuman amber. She has only respect for those who are loyal and honest, traits many humans will never possess. She avoids mos human contact because of this fact, with the exception of her neighbour and a few select humans. She has little conntact with elvs either preferring to socialise with animals over all others. She has little knowledge of human or elf language and wishes to keep it that way. Still accepted as a family to the Cu Sidhe, and friend to all animals of the light she hopes to make her way as a animal tamer, and become strong through her relationship with the new friends she make in all the creatures she meets.
Her determination and stubborness are formiddable and she wil not stop untill she is a powerfull force that will strike fear into all those who are without mercy or honour.

I hope someone can help me ind out what this is or where it comes from.
And sorry if i missed any important imormation.

Best regards ZidjIN


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It looks to me like the haven quest reward book that someone has just writen it, gave it a title and an auther's name.

If anyone can confirm you can write in them [pretty sure you can].


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You guys are helpful as allways!

Thanks a bunch. To bad it wasnt something to hold on to :next: