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[Fishing] The Ones That Didn't Get Away!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yaargh mateys, it took much skin of me hands, and much worms off me hook, but if it can be caught, it finally has been! Yes, t'were a long tedious tale o'festive fishin' frenzy, but after a few hours o'chasin the chubb, the goal were finally achieved by a miraculous double catch o'Legendary Tunnel Crabs in one pass o'the traps. Both were tiddlers o'course, but here they all are, displayed together at last;

That's me mannequin-matey, holdin' me fishin' gear there; he's after some o'the fish in the aquarium the cheeky rascal, but he's not caught one yet! The aquarium itself has all possible fish, if ye want tips on that, tis pretty simple. Keep water at maximum but food never above "Full". Hath a lotta spare bowls for duplicates that spawn, and keep the tank always with just 1 of each kind and fill the rest with Decorations, leaving but one spare space for a new fish to spawn. Replace any that die, and take out the bones o'the dead so as not to upset the wee beasties left. Give it time, a lotta time and eventually the tank will fill with rare coloured variants and eventually, all the rare fish. At this point, leave 1 growth check food/water in, then just put in a vacation wafer every 7 days to keep it pristine.

In order from the rear wall, top left to bottom right, the catches themselves be:

* Blood Lobster - 68 Stone. (13/1/2013)
* Spider Crab - 117 Stone (15/1/2013)
* Blue Lobster - 114 Stone (10/1/2013)
* Stone Crab - 134 Stone (28/12/2012)
* Dread Lobster - 34 Stone (27/12/2012)
* Large Fish Trophy - 192 Stone (19/05/2011)
- Me largest Big Fish catch goes there, he's not been surpassed for some time as ye can see!
* Void Crab - 73 Stone (11/01/2013)
* Void Lobster - 20 Stone (12/12/2012)
- Possibly the first! Certainly one of the smallest ever! Luckily caught on the mystic date'o 12/12/12... It's Dr Voidberg!
* Tunnel Crab - 86 Stone (15/01/2012)
* Kingfish - 76 Stone (24/10/2010)
- I've fished an' fished in Trammel but that tiddler is the best that's turned up so far, curse him!
* Blue Marlin - 106 Stone (28/9/2012)
* Stonefish - 137 Stone (04/11/2012)
* Lantern Fish - 62 Stone (07/01/2013)
* Black Marlin - 143 Stone (19/12/2012)
* Fire Fish - 192 Stone (23/10/2012)
* Unicorn Fish - 140 Stone (20/12/2012)
* Giant Koi - 191 Stone (16/12/2012)
* Lava Fish - 126 Stone (01/01/2013)
* Bull Fish - 190 Stone (25/12/2012)
* Seeker Fish - 112 Stone (25/12/2012)
* Spring Dragonfish - 102 Stone (17/12/2012)
* Autumn Dragonfish - 194 Stone (17/12/2012)
- Me largest catch overall this one, a right serious wrestle he was to bring aboard!
* Winter Dragonfish - 56 Stone (19/12/2012)
* Summer Dragonfish - 194 Stone (20/12/2012)
* Abyssal Dragonfish - 76 Stone (20/12/2012)
* Giant Samurai Fish - 24 Stone (16/12/2012)
- I can certainly do better than this small Samurai! But do I want too? Tis dull and boring sailin' around the Tokuno Isles..
* Great Barracuda - 157 Stone (19/12/2012)
- These fishies on the end won't get stuffed and mounted, the selfish so and so's... so I just hooked them up as best I could. Took some arrangin' to get them all up, even in a castle!
* Holy Mackerel - 193 Stone (16/12/2012)
* Reaper Fish - 132 Stone (24/12/2012)
* Golden Tuna - 180 Stone (16/12/2012)
* Yellowtail Barracuda - 154 Stone (22/12/2012)
* Crystal Fish - 188 Stone (02/01/2012)
* Fairy Salmon - 125 Stone (16/12/2012)
* Zombie Fish - 128 Stone (17/12/2012)
* Rainbow Fish - 114 Stone (20/12/2012)
* Dungeon Pike - 67 Stone (20/12/2012)

As ye can see, I didnae break 200 stone with any o'them, although I have hope one day o'doin' so! Tis expensive to mount them, but buy yer Taxidermy Kits in Britain, Felucca and save 30k from the 100k price ye'd pay in Trammel, fish fact fans! But which, in my experience, would I say is the one a fisher can be most proud of?

If ye're goin by sheer practicalities, the Void Lobster is goin' ta be hardest to get, just because ye need to do enormous amounts o'fishin quests to build up the Lava Lobster Traps. Gettin' the bait helps further, but that too is a rare drop; I've not got Void Lobster bait in nearly 300 quests now.

But if someone donates spare traps to ye, an' even the bait (Thanks Miss Foxglove!) actually fishin' the Void Lobster can be done in complete safety. Here on Europa, ya can even teleport to the Gargoyle house directly from Zento and just step across to the lava next door.

The Seeker Fish took the longest to get, even eatin' up me bait, but despite being fished beneath the hidey-hole o'Rend in the Labyrinth, that spot can be lured to peace and quiet relatively easy... so although his spotty hide on me wall makes me feel proud, he's not the one most fishers will be in awe of, even if they hath to spend many, many days there like I did.

Dependin' on how the Ophidians take to yer nickin' their sticklebacks, the Dungeon Pike can be tough, but there's only one place where you can only stand in just one spot whilst nasties wait for the slightest mistake to pummel ye, and that's in The Prism O'Light! Scatter petals before the path o'any fishermatey that has the Lantern Fish then... just a pity he doesn't glow with anywhere near the hue o'the Rainbow Fish, considering his monstrous challenge!

What's left fer a fisher to do? Well I could add some o'the Questie Fishes too I suppose, maybe one o'the Red Herrings will be nice and huge. I've also got literally thousands o'fish and lobsters to deliver now, due to all the time spent chasin' yon trophies... so there should be plenty o'reward data in the comin' weeks; if anyone knows how to get the percentage chance of each individual item out of the data, mapped against say every 20 points o'fish quests, do have a crack at the document in the Fish-Sticky on these here forums!

And in the meantime... Good luck to all of ye persuin' the fishin' dream o'going everywhere, and catchin' everythin'! YAARGH TO YE ALL!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations, Adol!! Nice write up too. Now for the ultimate challenge.... where is your polka dot bikini, huh?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations, Adol!! Nice write up too. Now for the ultimate challenge.... where is your polka dot bikini, huh?
*wails* I slimmed all summer ready to get into one, but I've never yet fished it up! That is rather shockingly rare too, I suppose that could be the next challenge indeed... the quest fish were incredibly easy to get, so I've added them to the display in a few minutes after writing this up... Bikini it is!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Such inspiration! Rienna Telemnar will be on the open seas of Atlantic this weekend seeking her own fortune!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I want to tell the story now of the rod that made it all possible; Alas the crafter doesn't speak English, only French so my attempts to wave a rod at him in Luna Bank on Europa recently came to naught. Perhaps someone here could translate into French for me, and he could one day feel proud of what one of his creations went on to do...

Yaaargh, it were many a moon ago, when Nemo were washed ashore in a state of some confusion at New Haven. He'd just witnessed the traumatic mauling to death o'his father at the hands of a huge herring, of which he remains wary of to this very day. Determined to get back to sea and take out his rage on all that swam there, co-incidentally he found outside a crafter by the name of "A Scara Braean" was leaving fishing rods across the lands, perhaps abandoning the not-quite-perfect rods for the Young to find... Nemo hadn't yet mastered his art, or mauled enough of the marine life to know what to select, so he chose the one that looked most fearsome, a blood red rod at mixed in with a huge pile of others. And this rod would go on to catch every fish Nemo ever caught, as well as every fish that could be caught... It also got looted once or twice when the people protecting their fish were just a bit too rough and he ran out of gold, it's sailed around the globe countless times delivering fish. It appears in the 15th Anniversary Charbydis Disappointment and Squid Related Slaughter video... yes, it was the abandoned Little Rod That Could, and hopefully one day it's maker will see it (In French someone?) and be proud of it.


Siege... Where the fun begins.
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yaaargh me hardy, is that an eye patch Nemo is sportin?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It right be an aye patch! It took a while to learn to wield a rod, and a lost eye was one o'the consequences! (You can choose it as a face type at character creation, I'm not sure if any of the tokens etc allow you to select it later)