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the one person



who made uo stratics worth reading in the morning with my cup of joe, is gone.

and made internet radio worth listening.

this place has not been the same since that person stopped posting here, been dead.

and internet/uoradio has not been the same

i am anti troll so take whatever guess yu guys want as to whom i am speaking.

anyway, back to disneyland, just thought i would post my feelings.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
who made uo stratics worth reading in the morning with my cup of joe, is gone.

and made internet radio worth listening.

this place has not been the same since that person stopped posting here, been dead.

and internet/uoradio has not been the same

i am anti troll so take whatever guess yu guys want as to whom i am speaking.

anyway, back to disneyland, just thought i would post my feelings.
LOL HAI TESLA, nice user name.

You sure fooled me. :gee:

Balian of Asgard

comon back tesla, and stir the pot!!!

Seems us pvprs need to be fighting or arguing at all times haha, especially when we not in uo

Crystal Rose

UORadio that he speaks of hasn't been around in 3 years


actually i never knew there was a "uoradio".

and yes, the person i am speaking is tesla. however i am not he. or even a "he" at all.

i just remember loving his shows at the auctions. also i been playing 2 years and loved comming here and reading all his jerkness and watching everyone just gang up on him. since he stopped posting this place died. i am not even sure if he plays uo anyore. i dont see him at the auctions =( that makes me a sad sad panda.

where does he dj now? anyone kno?


Sorry, Tesla wouldn't get off my nuts, so I had to put him down.. He asked for truces, I obliged, he broke them, I put him back down. Im sorry, I know he was entertaining, but his skin was just too thin. Not my fault he chose to exile himself. (actually, he may have been perma-banned)


Sorry, Tesla wouldn't get off my nuts, so I had to put him down.. He asked for truces, I obliged, he broke them, I put him back down. Im sorry, I know he was entertaining, but his skin was just too thin. Not my fault he chose to exile himself. (actually, he may have been perma-banned)
ah, thats too bad.

know where he djs? i just wanna hear him on the radio again.


Sure don't. Haven't heard from Tesla in YEARS!

But, the last thing I will say about this:


(and many might remember this)

I actually OFFERED to teach him to play a mage. Offered him our vent info and my time and he chose the lower road.

Balian of Asgard

It was a bonifide offer and he was a pompous ass about it to tell you the truth.


It was a bonifide offer and he was a pompous ass about it to tell you the truth.
that what made him so fun to read.

i used to love watching people get just lit up over his words.

you two were in the top 5 actually.

he would make you guys so mad, and it reflected your posts. i could see the steam sometimes. was worth it. a lot i wanted to create and account just to tell him how fun he was but was afraid he would turn on me. i have no clever comebacks. he was king imho


Alright, Tesla, the shows over. You can go ahead and stop stroking your own rod now. . Its funny that a made-up personality is the only thing that gives a **** about Tesla..


sorry guys. not he. you make it seem like i liked the guy. i just thought he was entertaining.