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[Gardening] The now fixed seed bugs


Flora Green

Just wondering what the reason is for not allowing the plants to keep the seeds that were on them. I understand you wanted to revert the bonsai and naturalist plants to non-producing, but why did the plants have to lose the seeds that had grown on them? Especially on top of the new plants not self-producing and gardeners already having a problem with storage.

Also, a warning to all of you on the other shards, don't forget to collect your seeds. I wasn't expecting the publish to hit Origin so soon and I'm out a bunch now. Was just trying to free up space to put them all.


Thanks for the headsup Flora. I've been pulling my seeds each day and immediately planting them in hopes they'll all still yield the rare colors. I didn't start soon enough to explore all the possibilities, but I do/will have alot of full sets of the blue bonsais.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just wondering what the reason is for not allowing the plants to keep the seeds that were on them.
I'm sorry but I did give you guys a heads up that once the publish hits, you would get nothing but X instead and any non-collected resources would be lost. We cannot get mutant plants to selectively retain resources, that is part of the reason you lost your seeds. Keep in mind that you never should have obtained them in the first place. So it is unfortunate, but at least you didn't lose all of them. :/


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Flora Green, thanks for the forewarning. This is one bug we all wish wasn't going to be squashed.

Lady Sak: My gardeners are going to truly miss this beneficial bug, but I still think it's the best Easter Egg this game has ever had! Even though I didn't get a yellow flowery cactus until this morning, and no green, or orange ones to cross with, the ones that did pop are a treat! Thank you!!! *Beaming at a few black and white bonsais*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Better have the startup thing fixed by tonight is all I have to say.. damn well don't wanna miss getting my seeds which should finally have grown today because of something I can't do anything about. >:\

Flora Green

Oh no, Sakkarah. I know you gave us a warning and I very much appreciate it. I was just annoyed there was no "hey, Origin is getting the pub tomorrow post". :) You answered my question though in that I was wondering if it's a coding issue or something of the sort preventing the plants from retaining their seeds. Thanks again for the info.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually I didn't see the warning from Sak, so thanks for posting this. I would have been REALLY upset to lose all my seeds that I've worked so hard acquiring. If you ever find yourself on Legends, I would be happy to share any rare seeds/plants I have with you.


Before changing the plants with the red X to decorative try the gather seed button.


I'm sorry but I did give you guys a heads up that once the publish hits, you would get nothing but X instead and any non-collected resources would be lost. We cannot get mutant plants to selectively retain resources, that is part of the reason you lost your seeds. Keep in mind that you never should have obtained them in the first place. So it is unfortunate, but at least you didn't lose all of them. :/
then could you at least stack seeds ?

When I make the orange peddles I like to grow them in very large batch's
hundreds of plants at a time.