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The Non-Luna Vendor Network


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this i a continuation of the offtopic discussion located in:


The concept of the network is similar to the early net web-ring approach. Each vendor that is a member of the network would prominently display a rune taking them to a rune book(s) directory that will lead them to other members of the network. These books would be checked regularly for compliance of the network rune and to make sure they are still active. The ultimate goal is to (obviously) drive traffic to rural vendors. There are many great vendors out in bumpkin land. The populace just needs to know where to find them! There is a potential suitor for the rune book directory in Kirthag, although I would be willing to maintain it as well.



hi tirrag, I'm sure your aware, of my place, and I will mark you arune to it if it will save you thatdreaded run from the mt to brit, hate to hear atroll got you up north there, as anewb in 2K, I killed atroll by the derverline, it had afull load of looted ingots in it,I'd hate to hear they got you


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Being a "Luna Vendor" now... I do have my roots as a "Rural Vendor" - but actually I prefer "Merchant". :) I'm not standing there for days on end enriching the populace with items in my pak. LOL


I've always kept a non-luna merchant book public in my home(s) - just no one ever really noticed. So the golden rune book will stay. I check my runes regularly once a month to make sure they are current and viable... something others haven't done really.

I found Pretty Mel's ice castle. :) Its a goegeous deco job she's got going there, and lots of vendors as well... her rune has been added.


What exactly do you purpose Tirrag? A Merchant's Association? Do tell....

Az of DSR

I have a bag of gold checks... I would be very interested in a tour of wares on napa. Let me know where this book is when its done. :thumbup1:


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Book is in my Luna house which is just inside the north entrance to the walled city. Look for the "koi pond" and please don't run across the bridge, you might upset the fish when you fall in. :)

Is a gold colored book inside the house. I've always kept that book updated and locked down of some of the best non-Luna vendors on the shard.

not @ home but will post a pic later.

Anyone have a rune they want in the book? drop it in the mail box of my Luna house and I'll add it to the collection.

Lord Nabin

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I like this alot Great job Mi Lady Kirth


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Not me....

Tirrag wants to talk about a Merchants' Association...

I just collect runes :p


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greetings all! nice to see some activity in this thread :)
hi tirrag, I'm sure your aware, of my place, and I will mark you arune to it if it will save you thatdreaded run from the mt to brit, hate to hear atroll got you up north there, as anewb in 2K, I killed atroll by the derverline, it had afull load of looted ingots in it,I'd hate to hear they got you
definitely have stopped by your place more than a few times :) although i do mine regularly in the area, happy to say it wasnt me that was whacked by the troll :) once we figure this concept out, i will make sure you place is added in the mix.
but actually I prefer "Merchant"...
What exactly do you purpose Tirrag? A Merchant's Association? Do tell....
on board with "Merchant" :) i would like to flesh this out and see what we can come up with.

the initial concept is similar to the old web-ring approach. the rules of this one being a rune prominently displayed at the merchant location that zips back to a central directory. this rune would have to have a set text that we come up with so folks understand what the association is and where its located. we can provide these runes at the directory location for free. ideally the directory would be a well-maintained set of rune books listing the members merchants. the person validating the directory would regularly check for stock level of the merchant and placement of the back rune.

some issues/thoughts that need worked out:

1) how do merchants join? i like the mailbox idea. they can drop off their rune and pick the merchants assn rune for use at their location. i think the maintainer of the association directory should probably zip to the location and make their own rune so we can control the text.

2) how do we tell people how it works? maybe a book locked down next to the rune books telling the rules? we could also have a dedicated vendor at the central directory location that only has stuff related to the association (ie back runes).

3) one thing i really dont like about runebooks is the lack of decriptive text showing. how do we allow a merchant to give a good overall view of what they carry so folks using the directory dont zip all over the world just to find bulk arrows? maybe allow the merchant to drop a book off with an overview of their common stock as well (ie weapons, pots, bandages, etc)? or maybe we dont rely on the merchant at all and come up with some kind of encoding system on the rune in the directory? so for a merchant that primarily carries weapons, armor, and pots would be prefixed with WAP. the detailed book could then describe the coding system (see #2). the codes would be based on observation of the maintainer(s) since they will be briefly examining the inventory anyway.

4) how do we promote this to merchants and customers? i think it will self promote at the locations (i always check out locked runes anyway) if we put good enough text on the back rune. still, unless a merchant owner or someone that is friends with one happens by it may take a while. i think everyone frequents luna at some point. so maybe info books dropped on the central walkways during peak that lead to the central directory with the more detailed book (see #2).

5) how do we keep in contact with the members? if we require the rune dropped off in #1 contains an email in the text, i would be happy to setup a mailing list on one of my domains. or maybe we get a forum or forum sticky topic?

6) where will the central directory be located and who will maintain? i like the concept of the directory being in luna, but do not want to force this upon Kirthag unless willing (which i think the answer is yes?). i would be happy to be the maintainer as far as checking vendors goes, although Kirthag did a great job at my humble abode :)

i think once we get something going, then we can look into more association type activities such as a "Merchant's Market". reaching that point with this concept would be real exciting :)


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Now that life is returning to "normalcy" here...

Tirrag, I love how your mind works! :)

A lot of your thoughts and ideas can be solved with simple solutions...

1) how do merchants join?
Rather than using the guild structure offered by the game (for many have been in the same guild for years), then a simple dropping off of a rune would be their application. Then - whomever would go and check their vendors - if acceptable, their rune goes in the book and BAM - they are a member. (actually what I do anyway). A formal group meeting can be held to discuss other issues, but I think keeping it as loose as possible would be a good idea.
Of note: Other shards have similar organizations but are loosely controlled - which works.

2) how do we tell people how it works?
By posting here - dropping books - talking to vendors we visit. :) Communicate man.

3) one thing i really dont like about runebooks is the lack of decriptive text showing.
That is sometimes a pain.
What I used to do (before uneditable house runes became the norm) was simply name a rune by the house owner name, then something to describe their major wares. Like, for your place I would do "Tirrag-Armor".
However, some people have really long names.... and some people like to have cool names (Llama Head!) on their establishments for branding purposes. People like Prada (you know is clothing - and she was a Tailor) were simple.
As my marketing head wakes up now, there could be a "featured rune" kept out of the main rune book, but sitting atop (or next to) a text book describing the Merchant's wares... People who actually take the time to look at things might appreciate this - but we are indeed limited by game mechanics as to what can be used for descriptions.

4) how do we promote this to merchants and customers?
Dropping of books in the "Luna Walk" has its ups and downs. First, there are people who drop books now promoting questionable websites for buying gold and stuff. Many people just pick up those books and wipe them. However, because BookMaster (I have a lot of his books - awesome works) drops books from time to time, every now and then people actually do read them.

To draw attention to books for a Merchant's Association (which hopefully people will keep), they must be different and show they are special in some way. Perhaps dying them a special color would be an awesome way - dye them with Fire, Magenta, Black or White natural dyes, and people may actually keep and display them. Hmm... I'm growing some white plants now.... Then they need to be red-leafed so their text cannot be changed - so the text must be worthy - and include a web address maybe?

5) how do we keep in contact with the members?
When online, create a chat channel! Is part of the game mechanics, and people who are wanting to find a vendor with specific items can always go there. when I log in I typically sit in the Help or General chat channels... but members of a Merchant Association can sit in .. uhm... a "Merchant Association" chat channel to direct and answer questions.

And a website would be key! Email, maybe... but I've found in the past that a central website works better. News can be posted & updated regularly whereas emails tend to go into spam. Besides, do YOU want to deal with the can-spam requirements? I do that enough for work dude... with a website, there is no issue for opting in or out - you go and see it at your whim completely voluntarily. There are all kinds of free-places to host such with forums (guildlaunch.net is one - I still hold the NVG site there even if the guild is just about dead) or even hosting a complete site with google sites (where my Kirthag site is hosted - for free). Domain name is not really necessary for this, unless it takes off.

If this is the agreed upon venue, I would create a google account for something like Napa Merchant Association (?) and then use the google sites and build up a website. If it takes, awesome - easy enuf to put a domain on it. If it doesn't take, well... it can dye peaceful like and no one has spent any hard earned cash.

6) where will the central directory be located and who will maintain?
Already there, already maintaining (and checking) and already available - as has been for years. I have no issue with volunteering for something I'm already doing. :p Actually found some more spots I am going to go over thoroughly this week, might be adding a second gold book. I tend to run all over the shard... sometimes SA hunting is boring.

Overall, I like the idea. The question is, do you really want to exclude the Luna Vendors? I think making an overall Merchant Association with two chapters, one for Luna and one for non-Luna... or rather let's just keep it simple - one Merchant Association. I always promote non-Luna vendors... now I'll shift it to the actual Merchant. I think we need this... it could lead to stabilizing the Napa economy as well as keeping our rares on our shard! I see too much going off shard and it makes me sad.

Anyways... the old adage, "If you build it, they will come!" applies. I figure, now that people realize I have this "golden book" of non-Luna vendors... uhm... Merchants.... they are using it (house visits have jumped recently). :)

Of note, I think we can form a Merchant's Association for all of Napa. Build a site (keeping it simple - google sites is the place) and go from there. Perhaps each Merchant will have a page dedicated to them, their shop, and their wares. That would be one way to describe each vendor. I'm up for that, building websites & maintaining them is my job and I love what I do. :) hmm... might even just get the ball rolling already....

Proposed Site Sections:
-The Luna Walk (inner Luna Merchants)
-Felucca Merchants (yes, there are some - but this poses a problem for runes)
-Yew Merchants
-Brit Merchants
-Vesper Merchants
-Tokuno Merchants
-Malas Merchants (outside of Luna)

Each section would have a page dedicated to each Merchant. Pic(s) of their house, vendors, and a list of regularly stocked or specialized items.

Now if some Merchants have multiple houses with vendors (like Radagast) they still get only one page. :p

ICQ me man... 55948266 is my number.


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Remember NOT all Luna merchants take people for a ride... So don't Psssst um off, for then any good work will go down the drain because of animosity.


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I agree with snakeman there. I don't want to exclude Luna merchants... they help keep the shard alive. I just think it superfluous to have a rune book in Luna with Luna vendors.

But for the Merchant Association, it SHOULD include any Merchant wanting to support and keep Napa's economy vibrant.


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Being a "Luna Vendor" now... I do have my roots as a "Rural Vendor" - but actually I prefer "Merchant". :) I'm not standing there for days on end enriching the populace with items in my pak. LOL


I've always kept a non-luna merchant book public in my home(s) - just no one ever really noticed. So the golden rune book will stay. I check my runes regularly once a month to make sure they are current and viable... something others haven't done really.

I found Pretty Mel's ice castle. :) Its a goegeous deco job she's got going there, and lots of vendors as well... her rune has been added.


What exactly do you purpose Tirrag? A Merchant's Association? Do tell....
OH POO! and I just moved all my vendors to my luna house too! so that rune wont do much good :(

If anyone wants good items and craftables at a good price, I'm at 'pretty mel's vendor' on the south side of luna, all pink vendors! thanks for the compliment on my house kirthag, but its still not finished yet hehe i've been SO incredibly busy with work (I own a small business selling my artwork). So I havent had time to do UO much!


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OH POO! and I just moved all my vendors to my luna house too! so that rune wont do much good :(

If anyone wants good items and craftables at a good price, I'm at 'pretty mel's vendor' on the south side of luna, all pink vendors! thanks for the compliment on my house kirthag, but its still not finished yet hehe i've been SO incredibly busy with work (I own a small business selling my artwork). So I havent had time to do UO much!
Poo is right! dang.. gotta take out your rune now!

I kinda figured it wasn't quite done yet... but will put the rune in my "places to visit" book back at the tavern (which is also a public book).


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Poo is right! dang.. gotta take out your rune now!

I kinda figured it wasn't quite done yet... but will put the rune in my "places to visit" book back at the tavern (which is also a public book).
Thanks! ^_^ I'll finish it up soon I think, I've been doing so much other stuff. I'm hosting a deco contest, you should enter hot stuff :)

Otis Firefly

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am i in the book am i in the book?? huh huh?? lmao..i have venders but there not mine ( if that makes any sense...)


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Thanks! ^_^ I'll finish it up soon I think, I've been doing so much other stuff. I'm hosting a deco contest, you should enter hot stuff :)
I saw that! I'm gonna respond to that thread inna minute. :)

And Otis... where the vendor's at? Drop a rune @ my luna house (mailbox) and I'll check em out. :)

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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I saw that! I'm gonna respond to that thread inna minute. :)

And Otis... where the vendor's at? Drop a rune @ my luna house (mailbox) and I'll check em out. :)
i will do!, its the old napa trading post once owned by wizzy, need more venders there though lmao


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Remember NOT all Luna merchants take people for a ride... So don't Psssst um off, for then any good work will go down the drain because of animosity.
greetings :) not out to step on any toes and i definitely do not want to step into the "anti-luna" flame war poo i have seen crop up now and then. i am not against luna in any way... in the simplest form, i want to try to help provide a well-maintained and organized means of finding the rural vendors. its easy to stroll luna and find goods, in and around the walls, and even easier when there are websites geared towards searching luna. i think when players look for goods they immediately go to luna... that is _the_ known place to shop. its easy to get to, everyone knows about it, safe, and has near everything in one spot. its the mall of america of the UO merchant world. still, i think there are several good rural vendors out there providing quality service to those who happen upon us or decide to visit via a dropped rune. im simply trying to help spearhead a "known" place to shop for rural vendors as well. if it takes off, maybe we can see a rise again in rural vendors/player run towns. or maybe its just wishful thinking... seems like of late many are packing up and getting a luna vendor instead.
I agree with snakeman there. I don't want to exclude Luna merchants... they help keep the shard alive. I just think it superfluous to have a rune book in Luna with Luna vendors.

But for the Merchant Association, it SHOULD include any Merchant wanting to support and keep Napa's economy vibrant.


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I got antsy.. built a preliminary site for the Napa Valley Merchants Association.

have a peek:

yeah.. long url... sorry about that.

I gotta boogie, but will be back soon.
i think this is a fantastic start Kirthag! beautiful realization of the concept. i still think it would be a good idea to enforce a back rune to the runebook directory at each member site. this will help advertise the association and also give easy access back to the directory. the runes could be offered for free from one of your vendors and provide text advertising the website.


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i think this is a fantastic start Kirthag! beautiful realization of the concept. i still think it would be a good idea to enforce a back rune to the runebook directory at each member site. this will help advertise the association and also give easy access back to the directory. the runes could be offered for free from one of your vendors and provide text advertising the website.
Backrunes are not a problem... is what I got mages and scribes for. :)

Speaking of scribes, am penning a book with info, web addy, and stuff now to make copies of, dye, and redleaf. Wanna use a special color... maybe flame? *shrug*


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Tirrag got the Merchants Association a domain name!


So check that out folks! Slowly fleshing out the site, adding vendors, shopping districts and more. Don't forget to bookmark the site!

Oh, any merchants interested in being included in this project? Drop a rune to your establishment in the mailbox at the Llama Head Wholesalers and we'll get you included. :) We want established locations... not fly-by-night vendors. I do check... pretty frequently.

I will be putting free runes up on one of my vendors - it would be nice if you guys can lock them down at your establishments for ease of use so shoppers can hop back and forth to the main runebook.
