Archery is influenced by: <ul>[*]Archery Skill - Adjusted skill level determines hit percentage
[*]Tactics - Adjusts the damage of successful hits up to 150%.
[*]Anatomy - The damage bonus for Anatomy is 20% of your skill level with an added 10% bonus at GM skill. The bonus is calculated with the following formula: % damage = (skill / 5) + (10% if GM) So, at 80 skill the bonus is 16%, at 90 skill the bonus is 18%, at 99 skill the bonus is 19.9%, and at 100 skill the bonus is 30%.
[*]Dexterity - Along with bowtype, determines available stamina, which in turn determines rate of fire.
[*]Hunger - As with many skills, hunger can cause less effective performance (full is good).
[*]Bow Type/Condition - Quality, Durability, Magical Accuracy/Damage and other bow qualities factor into the hit % and/or damage potential.[/list]
Archery facts:<ul>[*]All bows are two-handed weapons.
[*]You must be stopped completely from the time you release an arrow until it hits the target, or you automatically miss.[*]Ranged attack is limited to line-of-sight.[*]You must have arrows (for bows) or bolts (for crossbow/heavy crossbow) in your backpack in order to fire.
[*]Misses are probable when: Spells are cast on/by you, you start/finish applying bandages, you take melee damage, you begin walking or running mid-shot, you are poisoned, you are hungry, or your stats change either naturally or magically.[/list]
[*]Tactics - Adjusts the damage of successful hits up to 150%.
[*]Anatomy - The damage bonus for Anatomy is 20% of your skill level with an added 10% bonus at GM skill. The bonus is calculated with the following formula: % damage = (skill / 5) + (10% if GM) So, at 80 skill the bonus is 16%, at 90 skill the bonus is 18%, at 99 skill the bonus is 19.9%, and at 100 skill the bonus is 30%.
[*]Dexterity - Along with bowtype, determines available stamina, which in turn determines rate of fire.
[*]Hunger - As with many skills, hunger can cause less effective performance (full is good).
[*]Bow Type/Condition - Quality, Durability, Magical Accuracy/Damage and other bow qualities factor into the hit % and/or damage potential.[/list]
Archery facts:<ul>[*]All bows are two-handed weapons.
[*]You must be stopped completely from the time you release an arrow until it hits the target, or you automatically miss.[*]Ranged attack is limited to line-of-sight.[*]You must have arrows (for bows) or bolts (for crossbow/heavy crossbow) in your backpack in order to fire.
[*]Misses are probable when: Spells are cast on/by you, you start/finish applying bandages, you take melee damage, you begin walking or running mid-shot, you are poisoned, you are hungry, or your stats change either naturally or magically.[/list]