So a number of PvPers have brought up a major issue with one of the new petball changes. The proposed change to add a delay when using a petball is a big problem in the Fel lands.
Currently, when one is dismounted, there are only two reliable ways to remount, either by summoning in a trusty steed, or having the Ninjitsu ability Animal Form. With this change one will no longer be able to summon in a mount while fighting, any delay over a second would simply be too long. Mounting an ethereal or charger has never been an option because of the similar casting delay.
In a fair one on one fight this is not much of a concern, but few fights in Fel are one on one. Getting dismounted while fighting multiple opponents, without a way to remount, is a guaranteed death. Guaranteed deaths are something EA has always tried to avoid in the past (i.e. WoD, Honor, etc).
Now some might say that if you're fighting more then one person you should die, but this is poor logic. It's often the case, that when everyone is mounted, one player IS better then two... this new issue would cause him to die no matter how good he is. It's also very often the case that the single player wasn't even initially fighting the group, they came across and attacked him. This solo player SHOULD have the CHANCE to get away.
Now some might also say that just because this new situation (caused by the petballs) is horrible and unjust, but you still have to get dismounted first in order to be put in that situation, and a good PvPer should be able to avoid that. Well there are two really cheap ways to guarantee that an opponent will get dismounted. The first is the Heavy Cross Bow, something we all hate but have come to tolerate, even when it's used up-close from stealth. The second is far more damning and is the Bola + Teleport exploit. The use of the teleport spell, after throwing a bola, allows the thrower to get a guaranteed dismount off on whoever they like, no strings attached. It can be done in a macro and, coupled with the above mentioned pet ball change is unavoidably deadly.
My friend and I made a short video to show how one cannot avoid this bola+teleport exploit by running. Notice that my friend is standing about 10 tiles from me, and is expecting the bola. He's been instructed to run the instant he see the message, and does so. Time and time again we tested this and I was always able to dismount him, no matter how fast he responded. He also was standing at a good distance, and knew it was coming, in the field the bola thrower would have even more of an advantage.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hRHwhNDeNs
So, in conclusion, dismount is already a large problem in fel, but this new petball change is going to make it even worse. Any group is going to be able to dismount and kill any innocent player they come across without any hope of escape.
If the new change must go in, then it needs to be changed. Several players have proposed that the delay in summoning be linked to the number of follower slots the summoned pet takes up. One system uses one second intervals, with a 5-slot pet taking 5 seconds, and a 1 slot mount taking 1 second. This seems to be the best suggestion to solve this absurd problem.
We can only hope that the team understand the impact this change will have on fel and takes the appropriate actions, like was done with the Arch Cure problem.
*Edit* I should add that I (the bola thrower) am also laggy from the use of the screen recorder and that a normal thrower would, again, have an even better chance to hit the target... hmm... but what is better then 100%?
Currently, when one is dismounted, there are only two reliable ways to remount, either by summoning in a trusty steed, or having the Ninjitsu ability Animal Form. With this change one will no longer be able to summon in a mount while fighting, any delay over a second would simply be too long. Mounting an ethereal or charger has never been an option because of the similar casting delay.
In a fair one on one fight this is not much of a concern, but few fights in Fel are one on one. Getting dismounted while fighting multiple opponents, without a way to remount, is a guaranteed death. Guaranteed deaths are something EA has always tried to avoid in the past (i.e. WoD, Honor, etc).
Now some might say that if you're fighting more then one person you should die, but this is poor logic. It's often the case, that when everyone is mounted, one player IS better then two... this new issue would cause him to die no matter how good he is. It's also very often the case that the single player wasn't even initially fighting the group, they came across and attacked him. This solo player SHOULD have the CHANCE to get away.
Now some might also say that just because this new situation (caused by the petballs) is horrible and unjust, but you still have to get dismounted first in order to be put in that situation, and a good PvPer should be able to avoid that. Well there are two really cheap ways to guarantee that an opponent will get dismounted. The first is the Heavy Cross Bow, something we all hate but have come to tolerate, even when it's used up-close from stealth. The second is far more damning and is the Bola + Teleport exploit. The use of the teleport spell, after throwing a bola, allows the thrower to get a guaranteed dismount off on whoever they like, no strings attached. It can be done in a macro and, coupled with the above mentioned pet ball change is unavoidably deadly.
My friend and I made a short video to show how one cannot avoid this bola+teleport exploit by running. Notice that my friend is standing about 10 tiles from me, and is expecting the bola. He's been instructed to run the instant he see the message, and does so. Time and time again we tested this and I was always able to dismount him, no matter how fast he responded. He also was standing at a good distance, and knew it was coming, in the field the bola thrower would have even more of an advantage.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hRHwhNDeNs
So, in conclusion, dismount is already a large problem in fel, but this new petball change is going to make it even worse. Any group is going to be able to dismount and kill any innocent player they come across without any hope of escape.
If the new change must go in, then it needs to be changed. Several players have proposed that the delay in summoning be linked to the number of follower slots the summoned pet takes up. One system uses one second intervals, with a 5-slot pet taking 5 seconds, and a 1 slot mount taking 1 second. This seems to be the best suggestion to solve this absurd problem.
We can only hope that the team understand the impact this change will have on fel and takes the appropriate actions, like was done with the Arch Cure problem.
*Edit* I should add that I (the bola thrower) am also laggy from the use of the screen recorder and that a normal thrower would, again, have an even better chance to hit the target... hmm... but what is better then 100%?