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The long road back


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Stratics Legend
Hi everyone

It has been awhile but it sucked me in once again. Unfortunately I have lost my two accounts and cannot find them anywhere. So if you see anyone walking around with them please ask them to give them back :p.

I actually found an old account from 99 and reactivated it and decided to start from scratch. I want to try and do it old school this time with no advance character tokens and not purchasing anything outside and being dependent on in game gold (earned in game) Finding this difficult to do however. And New Haven really is not that much help when it comes to getting you off the ground if you are truly a new player I could see where you would be totally lost.

Started with my Archer bard again (not even sure if that is a viable template anymore). Starting in Brit playing in the graveyard.

Anyway I find my self rambling. Hope to see some familiar faces around Baja. Here we go again. :)

Noble Beast

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Welcome back home! There are quite a few folks returning; it is nice to see. *smiles*

Old School really is just that; outdated & not viable. I admire your nostalgia but there are things that are not designed for the loner toon. So if you need help or assistance then holler in Gen Chat - Baja is full of eager-to-help folks!

Again, welcome back home!

Lady Claudia Drusilla, Regent Priestess of HearthFire's Order of the Thorn

The Slug

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Wow! a blast from the past! If ya happen to see me around (I'm still the slug) I'll be happy to help out with what I can


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Slug. What's up! Yea I usually get to log in at about 10 or 10:30 central time have that whole family thing and I went and added to it with another daughter recently. That's 3 now. What was I thinking? Lol. I still have to get ICQ and all the IM software loaded up. Would love to find some more peeps from back in the day.


UO Baja News Reporter
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Campaign Benefactor
Welcome back Tazz!


Valek Typhoon

If you manage High Sea's expansion and ever want to go sailing we are most always on the open sea's doing somthing! [noted when I pull up a Scalis by myself and gotta run for two hours trying to stay alive, its good to have a lil back up]


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I grabbed all the expansions so I am up to date that way. Just need to actually build characters again now :)


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Welcome back to UO and Baja.

I actually find it more fun to start from scratch. Given what I know I usually end up taking shortcuts but it still helps me connect to the shard I'm new to at a deeper level.

If you manage High Sea's expansion and ever want to go sailing we are most always on the open sea's doing somthing! [noted when I pull up a Scalis by myself and gotta run for two hours trying to stay alive, its good to have a lil back up]
I hear they're always looking for more semen.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone

It has been awhile but it sucked me in once again. Unfortunately I have lost my two accounts and cannot find them anywhere. So if you see anyone walking around with them please ask them to give them back :p.

I actually found an old account from 99 and reactivated it and decided to start from scratch. I want to try and do it old school this time with no advance character tokens and not purchasing anything outside and being dependent on in game gold (earned in game) Finding this difficult to do however. And New Haven really is not that much help when it comes to getting you off the ground if you are truly a new player I could see where you would be totally lost.

Started with my Archer bard again (not even sure if that is a viable template anymore). Starting in Brit playing in the graveyard.

Anyway I find my self rambling. Hope to see some familiar faces around Baja. Here we go again. :)

Runebooks for Gravewater Shores remain on Display at the Player Run Community Center on the NorthWest Corner inside the walls of Luna. Welcome Back! If I or any of my Kin may aid Thy return we would be Honored to so do.

We Remain an Awesome Community.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Wow, that's cool there is anything left of my old town. I will come by and take a peak tonight. I was walking around the old stomping grounds the other night and found a few homes left. Might be something to try and accomplish again :). Thanks again


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Woot! No more starting over I found my accounts last night! EA was actually very helpful in finding them for me. Found a nice place to put a couple of homes right next to each other and I am back in business :).

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Welcome back, Tazz! It would be awesome if UG.K made a comeback. It's been very painful to watch everything you all accomplished fade away. I'd especially love to see Tar and Feather/Queen of Pain come back, as he was my first real UO "neighbor" and I miss him quite a lot.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Tina! I was speaking to a couple of old guild members a couple of nights ago just reminiscing about old times and the events we used to run.

I am working on a fairly large project (will take a while). To get UGK back up and running and start some more events.

If anyone happens to have any old UGK stuff from collapsed homes from the old city (Grave Water Shores) and is interested in selling them to me please let me know.

Thanks everyone.

Xelious Norwood

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Stratics Legend
Tazz, Long time no see. You need anything man hit Xelious Norwood up. Glad to have ya back. Maybe we can look forward to some of your events like last time. I will look and see if I have anything from UGK homes that have fallen.