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[Discussion] The logic of items on vendors


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there something I'm missing? I know a few years ago there was a way to "game" the system to avoid paying vendor fees. It is my understanding that those loopholes have been closed.
If that is true, what's the logic of people keeping items (mostly overpriced) on their vendors for MONTHS without lowering the price of the item? They have to be getting raked across the coals in vendor fees.

Pink Sunday Turtle

Seasoned Veteran
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In my opinion vendor fees promote hording; I rarely place items on my vendors unless I have a buyer already lined up. Vendors for me are swiss bank accounts where I store all my cash...

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
It could as well be that those overpriced items are just those placeholders that the community uses to do transactions (put a fishsteak on a vendor in place for a 175mil item to avoid scam) and maybe they were just forgotten about...


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
if they get rid of vendor fees... UO will be doomed and every house in the land wil have unlimited storage...SOOOOO NO!!!!!!!!! [END] [FINISH] [FINITO] [NO MORE]


Crazed Zealot
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Simple, the fees are now taken at the back end, i.e. when the item is sold.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Simple, the fees are now taken at the back end, i.e. when the item is sold.
Implemented in publish 80:
Vendors will now charge their fees incrementally over time, instead of once per day.

There have been no changes to vendor fees since.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I put stuff of my vendors. I have no idea what it charges. It's "money" I don't miss and consider it the price of the privilege of having someone standing there at all times to sell my stuff and make gold for me.
Too right!!! thats what we pay the vendor for...after all anything on the vendor is FOR SALE 24/7 and 365 days a year.....why wouldnt anyine pay for that priveledge...... Jesus no fees would be abused to the hilt...like i said above...would create unlimited storage for everyone...crazy end to UO....

I even think increasing vendor fees would help the game...at least double them
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Stratics Veteran
I agree, vendor fee's will always be. Like Flutter, I don't miss that money if I truly never had it to begin with.

Vendors will ( Or the people 90% of them ) will always over price and undercut the Jones's yadda so forth and what have you. And why do people over time never change the over priced item? Well, I have asked this very question. It's because of GREED. People will not come down off of a price out of sheer greed. Why when Joe Blow from Tokohoe got X amount for it 5 months ago then why cant I get the same price today? Some people wont budge. Bottom line. And then there are some who just give up and get tired of seeing it themselves on the vendor and charges that they will eventually come down on price.

I do for people out of heart. Some things I have had I have stayed firm on. I have gone above and beyond for people in this game, one in particular, out of my own pocket. I had nothing to gain. I did it because I cared. I appreciated the effort that was being done and I understood what it was going to take to accomplish. I helped. I got burned in the end because no heart was given back. Greed took over and the thoughtlessness I put forward in the beginning needed not matter at that point. Was the almighty dollar to this person. What could that person get for it even though I did a selfless thing for him. No full circle there. Hasn't changed how or who I am. But there are only so many times.... I do work for people I get no compensation for. I never ask nor do I want it. To me, who I am in real life is to close to who I am in game. SO, to have myself or my family ( Yes REAL FAMILY ), KFC is a family run guild, downed with untruths or rumors. I mean pls, Go off of experience and not rumor. I swear most people in the game is Joey pulled Susie's hair. Grow up. Some body always has something to prove. Now I'm side tracking.

I love this game been here right after its conception on different shards and servers prior to this game. Hell, Good ole' Kinghen and I met thru this game in 1999 and we have since married. But neither here nor there. But over time, the common greed factor takes over so many. People have lost heart, compassion, worth. Its all about that gold coin and how much of it can you get. I get very frustrated when I ask someone what something cost and I get the common response. Because it went for, I must get the same. No friendship, no common bond, no relation, No guild buddy, I can go on, does not matter. I wish people would just do to do. And not because Mr. Jones got for it.

My 2 cents. Take em for what their worth. :oops: