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The last... Felled


Stratics Veteran
The dastardly Chaos vortex has been destroyed. A group led by the more mature and kinder members of SI(Scally+Gwen), and various solo players(myself included) made it to the area in shame where the Chaos vortex spawns.

We were able to kill quite a few of them as a group.

This area is tricky to get to, and to sustain a position there without harm.

Monsters that spawn there are diseased blood elementals, Molten elementals, and wind elementals.

The chaos vortex is a combination of special moves seen by the unbound, and crazed mages. It will taint and drain your mana. Taint ability causes damage to you when u cast spells. Mana drain takes your mana- so it virtually has unlimited mana. If u have mana- it does 2 lol. It will also pull you to it.

It is something everyone should try. Im not sure about the total loot it has. But considering there was around 7 of us, my share was somewhat large. It drops chaga, and other abyss ingredients.

The area with the chaos vortex should be done with a group. The reason is the safest spot to fight the vortex has at least one diseased blood elemental and 2 molten elementals. The moltens go down fast and easy; But, they have a ranged fire attack that hits for 60 damage- at 70 fire resist.

Diseased blood elementals are weak at ranged spell attacks; But, when they get 2 u, there melee attack is brutal. It hits hard and when it does it can poison.

P.S. If you see me leading monsters; I am not leading them to you. Sometimes something flags on me and It was something i wasnt looking to kill.
When this happens sometimes i have to run through a group of players. Instead of recalling out I will lead it to an area away from any players in the area before recalling out. I like people alot. I will always put any and all of you before me.