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EM Event The Jade Tiger.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Jade Tiger.
The Three Eyed General came running in the counselors hall.
He welcomed us all but there was no time to loose.
He discovered the location of another stolen statue.
We quickly stepped on our horses and followed the general.
A large group of people followed him on the road from Britain to the north towards the desert.
The desert is a dangerous place with a lot of hostile creatures.
With them where some deadly jade tigers!
They where very bad cats!
We had our hands full with the jade tigers but their leader was a pushover and fell quickly in battle!
The general was please to recover another stolen statue!
The adventurers did a wonderful job again, they could all go back home again with another tale to tell their families.
We will await when the three eyed general call on us again to recover the next statue!
New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.