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The hunt for the Winter Dragonfish

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I have a friend who has an extensive collection of the Rare/Legendary fish, he has them all. So I figured I would set out to do the same seeing as how I love collections. My play time is really limited these days so I figured I would keep track of how long it took to catch this one. Needless to say, I have developed an all new respect for his collection with the results I have....

*no fishing suit or bait used*
212 Demon Trout
225 Infernal Tuna
221 Cutthroat Trout
174 Darkfish
211 Dungeon Chub
218 Grim Cisco
215 Tormented Pike
213 Crog Snapper
192 Snaggletooth Bass
199 Drake Fish
211 Lurker Fish
202 Orc Bass

2,493 fish total to finally snag one Winter Dragon Fish, and then he was a lil rascal :( . This did not include mess of fish nor footwear as I did not keep track of those (I will on the next one IF I try anymore). But, if you figure an average of 1 out of 5 casts as footwear or mess that adds an additional 498 casts or so. If you figure 8 seconds per cast that would equal 23,928 seconds or 398 minutes a little over 6 1/2 hours.

Just a heads up for folks who are considering gettin' them all....

Winter Dragonfish.png


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just started chasing the set today; it's not much better with the suit or bait; I've burnt 300 charges of bait on 4 different fish without success so far. I did however get Dr Voidberg, the Void Lobster as my thread showed, but traps should be easier as each cycle increases the chance of a catch, where as sadly the rod fish are a flat percentage chance, modified by bait, so...

Oh well, I suppose it gives us goals to achieve as fisherpeople; getting the ones in intense spawn locations will be the problem!

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh well, I suppose it gives us goals to achieve as fisherpeople; getting the ones in intense spawn locations will be the problem!
Agreed. I will not be looking forward to having to catch around 3k fish in Labyrinth or Prism Of Light...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have my sympathies... I think we've all been dreading that happening on Atlantic. :( If it's any consolation, I think your times for the Winter will perhaps be on the upper edge of fish related suffering, and experience for me now shows Bait and Gear isn't all that useful; In the last two days, I've managed to get 5 Legendary (and 4 Rare) fish, in about 3 hours of constant fishing each (with Spring Dragonfish appearing on the second cast AFTER 300 bait ran out, of course!), so hopefully at least the gods of randomness will take pity on you across the pond and it'll return the righteous white one to you in double quick time...

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Hey.. I just consider myself lucky that all I had been doing was fishing. Losing about 6 hours max of game play during those 12 days is nothing at all. Just hate it for all those that really lost out. What you and I seem to have lost is just a small drop in the proverbial ocean.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Well, another one caught :)

Still 20 stones tho lol.. rng hated me twice on the lil thing. This time a grand total of 3,672 fish total. Finally snagged some bait for it and only took 46 casts to land one then. The other 54 uses left out of the 100 I had did not get one tho..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations! Every fish tells it's own tail, irrespective of size! That's what I tell myself anyway when one finally goes for the hook and it's less than enormous... The Legendary Crabs to go yet for me, but I'm taking a few days off before I try for those...


Siege... Where the fun begins.
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You guys amaze me.... I thought I was patient, now not so sure...