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The HPR question


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Just wondering what is the value of adding hpr to various pets. Thinking of cu sidhe, hiryu, fire steed and nightmare here.
I've talked with a few I know, who also can play more then I do, say max hpr is a must not only for the above pets but for all pets. I feel some pets need it more then others. Basically, I don't feel 20 hpr is worth 360 points, which could be used elsewhere. I looked at some of the pets at the midnight Scalia event on Atlantic and that just confused me more as some had 10, some had 20 and some had zero.
Any thoughts on this? If the answer is yes, would 10 help? Or should I just accept I need to plan to add 20 for all future pets?
I have a fire steed and a cu waiting for me to finalize the plans for them, but I would have to adjust the plans if I need to add hpr.


Stratics Veteran
Good morning Mordha, Hp regen at max value allows your pet to have more of a stand alone play style... It will gain back more HP from constant combat buying you time to run off and invis should things get hairy and come back to it being alive vs a ghost... The changes to the taming mastery ( namely the caps ) also make having max HP reg a great value as it will cap at plus 30 but will add to what your pet already has for a max of 50Hp per sec.. which is still pretty sexy.. plus pets with chiv, healing, magery will use less healing spells to heal up if they have high HP reg leaving more mana for direct damage and increase over all damage output... In the end.. it really just depends on your play style...and the spec of your tamer.. like bard tamers can afford to free up these points and allow their mastery to fill in for it... but if you are not a bard... Max Hp Reg will only increase your pets over all effectiveness and stand alone nature on bosses that aoe players to close to the action.. at least that what is reflect with my form of play style.. should ya have anymore questions feel free to post here or message me.. until then hope this helped... =^-^=


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thanks a lot sir!
I'll be sure to consider hpr for future pets. I'm guessing I made a small goof on my bushido hiryu, I added mr 30 to him and never added any hpr. He still does well but in some fights, I do have to run consume damage to slow the loss. I can build another in the future with hpr.