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The Grass Roots Project



The Grass Roots Project​

Enid walked into the little abandoned house, cobwebs littering the corners and slowly panned the room. "With a little bit of work and perhaps a nail or two on the door, this should do just fine."

Sitting down on the dusty chair, she set the journal on the table and wrote a simple message.....



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Max had been chasing an elusive chicken the better part of 2 hours. He had lored it and found it worthy of training.

Feeling quite foolish running thru Yew after the rogue fowl, he spies a woman in a small cabin.
Sheepishly he grins, waves, and runs off. Feeling almost childlike again, he finally reaches the bird.
Will you be my friend... finally.
Looking back it was nice to get back to his chicken chasing roots, near the bowshop he had first called home.