We had a rather interesting weekend, doing some stuff around the compound and just generally trying to get settled into UO again.
We had about 5 houses in our general area [put a sock in it QZ!!
] and found that we could lay an additional 5 houses surrounding us. My husband was using his house placement tool to just make sure my son could fit a house in this plot, and low and behold he mis-clicked and placed the house on accident. Of course that meant my husbands house was condemned.
Awesome. Condemned over a fat finger mistake. Hyper clicked the help option, and typed in what had happened. Canned response of "Go to the website."
An hour or so later he tries again, "Canned response of 'sorry can't help you'.
Wonderful. Beautiful.
Like 5 hours later he tries again and this time he gets angry GM response of "We will not, under any circumstances, help you."
Um, that's really fail considering we know for a fact you guys helped a gal with this exact same issue. All you did was a little reset. Soooo, we had to actually PAY for a new UO account (like our 6th) to 'transfer' the house to the new toon, until the week passes and he can transfer it back. This is just ten kinds of inconvenient, considering we were trying ot stay off a trade timer, because we have one more house to transfer in our new compound area. It's frustrating that the GM's do not have a consistent policy that they follow, and instead will just do whatever on a whim, so that one wastes their time paging on things they know have been resolved by other players the same way, and then being told they will not be helped.
Later that evening, Hyper was digging through his pile of crap in his home and was trying to build me a suit. He's sitting there comparing 2131321321312 different gorgets and making me try stuff on and take it off when he realizes I have some sort of -15 penalty to phys resist. Weird. I cast/uncast prot....nothing. Cast/uncast magic shield...nothing.
I take off all my clothes-- nothing. THen i take everything out of my bags and am off my mount and just stand there with ZERO items in my bag or on my body. Still -15. Log on and off the toon-- still same. Soooooooooo, I page a GM.
My GM whispered me in just no time flat, and fixed the issue without a problem. GM Akemai (spelling) was super, super nice and very polite and professional. I shoulda asked them to fix the house drama while I was at it...
We had about 5 houses in our general area [put a sock in it QZ!!
Awesome. Condemned over a fat finger mistake. Hyper clicked the help option, and typed in what had happened. Canned response of "Go to the website."
An hour or so later he tries again, "Canned response of 'sorry can't help you'.
Wonderful. Beautiful.
Like 5 hours later he tries again and this time he gets angry GM response of "We will not, under any circumstances, help you."
Um, that's really fail considering we know for a fact you guys helped a gal with this exact same issue. All you did was a little reset. Soooo, we had to actually PAY for a new UO account (like our 6th) to 'transfer' the house to the new toon, until the week passes and he can transfer it back. This is just ten kinds of inconvenient, considering we were trying ot stay off a trade timer, because we have one more house to transfer in our new compound area. It's frustrating that the GM's do not have a consistent policy that they follow, and instead will just do whatever on a whim, so that one wastes their time paging on things they know have been resolved by other players the same way, and then being told they will not be helped.
Later that evening, Hyper was digging through his pile of crap in his home and was trying to build me a suit. He's sitting there comparing 2131321321312 different gorgets and making me try stuff on and take it off when he realizes I have some sort of -15 penalty to phys resist. Weird. I cast/uncast prot....nothing. Cast/uncast magic shield...nothing.
I take off all my clothes-- nothing. THen i take everything out of my bags and am off my mount and just stand there with ZERO items in my bag or on my body. Still -15. Log on and off the toon-- still same. Soooooooooo, I page a GM.
My GM whispered me in just no time flat, and fixed the issue without a problem. GM Akemai (spelling) was super, super nice and very polite and professional. I shoulda asked them to fix the house drama while I was at it...