Greetings all, today's search for Serpentwyne was a tale of roguery and being told to be quiet in public places!
'Twas a simple quest, and one over a mere 11 minutes after it began. Roshi told us we sought a man called Horace Wobbleand, who was a librarian. Traveler, Trevelyan and Crest Lavender and I partied up to share clues, with myself running first to Trinsic, then Britain, Trev went to Cove, and then Traveler pointed out Jhelom had a Library. He found a grave there for Horace;
Using UOCartographer, I located the library, and found the following Library Ticket in the bookcase to the right of the seated NPC;
I then ran to Minoc, letting others know the next stage was there; I found the following NPC first again, in the North-Western part of town, with Trev about a minute behind;
She responded to questions about her husband, the bottle, the cure and the miners, but refused to hand over the bottle, and "if you try to take it, I shall call the Guards!". Trev wondered aloud if it could be stolen, and as I didn't have a thief (only a treasure hunter) I stayed to talk. Trev immediately came back with his rascal and... event over, this was the solution! One grey bottle was in his hands.
There was little more to tell afterwards; most of us stayed in event chat shooting the breeze for a while, but alas nothing else can be done until Wednesday the 1st of September, at 8pm when the final bottle will be located!
'Twas a simple quest, and one over a mere 11 minutes after it began. Roshi told us we sought a man called Horace Wobbleand, who was a librarian. Traveler, Trevelyan and Crest Lavender and I partied up to share clues, with myself running first to Trinsic, then Britain, Trev went to Cove, and then Traveler pointed out Jhelom had a Library. He found a grave there for Horace;

Using UOCartographer, I located the library, and found the following Library Ticket in the bookcase to the right of the seated NPC;

I then ran to Minoc, letting others know the next stage was there; I found the following NPC first again, in the North-Western part of town, with Trev about a minute behind;

She responded to questions about her husband, the bottle, the cure and the miners, but refused to hand over the bottle, and "if you try to take it, I shall call the Guards!". Trev wondered aloud if it could be stolen, and as I didn't have a thief (only a treasure hunter) I stayed to talk. Trev immediately came back with his rascal and... event over, this was the solution! One grey bottle was in his hands.
There was little more to tell afterwards; most of us stayed in event chat shooting the breeze for a while, but alas nothing else can be done until Wednesday the 1st of September, at 8pm when the final bottle will be located!