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[Selling] The Following...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Novo/Etolie Set 13 Million

Wind Spirit 10 Million

Ghost Ship Anchor 10 Million

If anyone is interested in the items listed above, Please ICQ me @ 117 382 290 or leave me a message here.

Also have some good items at a vendor house south east of the Zento gate. Cords are 29.52N 32.03W. Heritage Tokens, New treasure map loot, Rubble, Race Change Tokens..Lots of good stuff. Come check us out! =)

I also have this EM Sash. Not really sure what they go for. I have seen them on Atlantic for 9.5 mill. So, somewhere between 6-8 mill I would think... Make an offer if you are interested.
