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The "fight the brute" nonsense


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Please, everybody keep this OUT of Stratics.
This is NOT UO-related and as far as we are concenrned it's advertising and spam.
Those who post it will face the consequences (infraction points).
Thank you for your attention.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
So it is said, so it shall be done. *nods*

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is the fight the brute nonsense?? I must have missed something. I promise I'm not being Jirel-Bob Smartypants!!! I either haven't seen it or didn't pay attention to it.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yo, silence in my thread or else.
Jirel, you will know when you see it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I'm thinking Jirel is not alone.... *is very confused*

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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A quick Google and I believe I know what it is and what it is comparable to, in which case, I don't blame Magdalene one bit.

Just another message board infestation really.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Just Google "fight my brute" and you'll get the general idea. I think I've only noticed one post here about it sometime in the last week, so I think the mods have been doing a good job of keeping it away from the UO forums.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Opening a thread about dragon eggs and pimping them is not welcome either. Eggs sitting in a sig are tolerable.


i dont see why eggs are allowed in sigs either because to use your words......"its advertising and spam" also it is " NOT UO-related" i think if you disallow one then it should be the same for all. just my 2 cents


Slightly Crazed
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I'm waiting for the sigs with a picture of a small male sexual organ that says "please click my **** and help it grow"


Thanks for pointing me toward that "unmentionable" web site. Kinda generic, but entertaining. I see all sorts of diiferent non-UO related mini-games links in peoples sigs. Maybe SOMEone just had a bad experience with this one? The dragon/dragon egg ones are pretty annoying to me. Cutesy to the point of nausea IMHO, but they don't hurt anything, how is this different?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
>Insert a paintshop image of a crudely drawn hooded figure that resembles Aaron stabbing the foot of the brute<

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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I have the Eggs blocked in Firefox just as I would any other "please click my {insert whatever here}" types of things, especially if and when they started to slow down page loading.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I'm waiting for the sigs with a picture of a small male sexual organ that says "please click my **** and help it grow"
There isn't one yet? Given the mental maturity level of the net in general I would have expected that to be the FIRST thing people came up with.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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There isn't one yet? Given the mental maturity level of the net in general I would have expected that to be the FIRST thing people came up with.
*grins* But I thought that was what the internet was for?!?! Isn't it?!?!

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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*grins* But I thought that was what the internet was for?!?! Isn't it?!?!
No, the internet was invented so scientists could look at pictures/research results from labs across the country instantly. Porn came second. :D


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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No, the internet was invented so scientists could look at pictures/research results from labs across the country instantly. Porn came second. :D
Oh..... Then aren't we all greatfull for those scientists!


What is the fight the brute nonsense?? I must have missed something. I promise I'm not being Jirel-Bob Smartypants!!! I either haven't seen it or didn't pay attention to it.
It's this lame, flash based game; essentially the pyramid scheme of gaming, as you advance by bringing more people into it.

And, unless I'm misunderstanding this thread; having a link in your signature not against the rules, but making a post dedicated to it is.

Lol @ Morgan's "Brute". :)


UO Forum Moderator
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I would link to the WoW music video of "the Internet is for Porn", but the lyrics contain words in violation of Stratics code of conduct - so just go to Youtube and look it up yourself.....


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
*grins* But I thought that was what the internet was for?!?! Isn't it?!?!
OK so how much trouble do I get in if I post what the internet is really for in an embedded format?

Rats, Basara beat me to it. Someone did a WoW based video to be dubbed with music and lyrics from a puppet show. But that was years ago, I know I'm not alone in having found it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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OK so how much trouble do I get in if I post what the internet is really for in an embedded format?

Rats, Basara beat me to it. Someone did a WoW based video to be dubbed with music and lyrics from a puppet show. But that was years ago, I know I'm not alone in having found it.
And now we know who all has "seen" it!........ did I start this??? My bad!... I'm sorry...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would link to the WoW music video of "the Internet is for Porn", but the lyrics contain words in violation of Stratics code of conduct - so just go to Youtube and look it up yourself.....
That's funny. Players have been banned from Stratics for posting this similar to your message. Suggesting players go look up things that are against the RoC should at least get you an infraction. Then again, you are a mod, so nothing will happen...la


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
a. there's the law, the spirit of the law, the letter of the law and there are creative interpretations.
b. mods are not invulnerable, for bad behaviour they get de-modded first and eventually banned later...

Der Rock

That's funny. Players have been banned from Stratics for posting this similar to your message. Suggesting players go look up things that are against the RoC should at least get you an infraction. Then again, you are a mod, so nothing will happen...la
glad we have a mall-cop like you, to make sure for law and order :eyes:


I'm waiting for the sigs with a picture of a small male sexual organ that says "please click my **** and help it grow"
This made me think of a text msg joke I got the other day from a buddy:

"A boy drew a penis on a chalk board. The teacher of course erased it. The next day the boy drew a bigger penis and wrote, 'The more you rub it, the bigger it gets!'"

Merv DeGriff

No, the internet was invented so scientists could look at pictures/research results from labs across the country instantly. Porn came second. :D
You're mostly right... but the progression was MILNET > ARPANET > Internet

ARPANET evolved from portions of MILNET shared with colledges working on R&D for uncle sam and themselves.

MILNET had one realy fun purpose and was the reason DOD Protocol (the precursor to TCP/IP) was developed...To make sure a launch order got through no matter what the circumstance or media.

That's right... The internet was born to nuke commies to oblivion! Huu Haa!


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
a. there's the law, the spirit of the law, the letter of the law and there are creative interpretations.
b. mods are not invulnerable, for bad behaviour they get de-modded first and eventually banned later...
Then why do some mods act like they are and purposely try to pull some people up on absolutely anything just because they don't like them, while others escape with similar offenses completely unscathed?


You're mostly right... but the progression was MILNET > ARPANET > Internet

ARPANET evolved from portions of MILNET shared with colledges working on R&D for uncle sam and themselves.

MILNET had one realy fun purpose and was the reason DOD Protocol (the precursor to TCP/IP) was developed...To make sure a launch order got through no matter what the circumstance or media.

That's right... The internet was born to nuke commies to oblivion! Huu Haa!
The internet sucks. Who was supposed to be inventing the robots and hovercars, that I was promised? What kind of future is this?