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(RP) The fifth Seagull

  • Thread starter LynneOfMagincia
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Stubby nails worn down from hard work drummed against the granite table. With a flick of her hand, the words were uttered and she shifted form. Rel Xen an Sanct. Her skin, pale white and icy to touch almost seemed to go hand in hand with the green slits of her reptilian eyes. Now if she could only find a decent temperature.

Yes... weak and innocent was long gone...

Grabbing one last piece of parchment she grabbed her quill smudging this piece with ink as well.

"I have a request of you... Our meeting will be the usual spot. Payment will be swift and more than adequate.


*This time the parchment was attached via black leather and the seal was a personal one: A staff set against the very visible backdrop of a wraith.*