Thats an awesome walkthrough, but you missed a couple things.
You can teleport onto the ledge by the steps instead of having to walk by the acid slugs. Any lag and I know I am slug dinner, so I teleport instead of trying to skirt around them.
When you're a GM lockpicker you have a cheat for both the directional puzzle and the mastermind puzzle. The directional one you get a button that will show you the path one step at a time (though you can still fail and get shocked.) A little green dot will show the next step on the map when you are successful:
You still have to move the pad to get to the green dot. For the master mind puzzle the GM lockpicker gets one correct color/correct slot and then three more correct colors:
Since you can do this puzzle every two hours and the gems aren't timed or are no drop, I take my lockpicker and stock up on gems for my other characters to use. It's much faster just doing it on them and swapping out.