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The Elder Blackfyre

Lord Viro

Stratics Veteran
I just wanted to let everyone who knew her know that my mom has passed away. She and i shared accounts on LS for almost 20 years and i am sure that many knew her. You could usually find her doing T-maps on Byron Blackfyre as she really loved doing them! She led many a Zippy run on Ron Weasley when that was first released. She was always happy to help in any way she could when someone asked. Her first character was a swordsman turned paladin named Crystal Gale. many of you may remember this character as she played it for years before branching out to others.
. Mom 1.jpg

PS.. Please excuse the empty vendors for a bit and know that you may still see her characters floating around on occasion as i will still be playing them.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry for you loss, prayers for you, the family and those who knew her. May your grief pass quickly so you can remember and celebrate the exuberant life that was lived.


Crazed Zealot
I just wanted to let everyone who knew her know that my mom has passed away. She and i shared accounts on LS for almost 20 years and i am sure that many knew her. You could usually find her doing T-maps on Byron Blackfyre as she really loved doing them! She led many a Zippy run on Ron Weasley when that was first released. She was always happy to help in any way she could when someone asked. Her first character was a swordsman turned paladin named Crystal Gale. many of you may remember this character as she played it for years before branching out to others.
. View attachment 114546

PS.. Please excuse the empty vendors for a bit and know that you may still see her characters floating around on occasion as i will still be playing them.
Sorry for your loss, may eternal be her memory in you and family and friends. She is still alive inside of your heart and mind.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry for your loss. She will be missed by LS in many ways. We did many Zippy runs because Ron would set them up on weekends. Going back to before the taming revamp.
She would take my maps and bottles and find the quest items for me.
She was a very sweet person in game and was always polite to other players. Your family has made LS a better place to play. She will be missed.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
So sorry for your loss... I lost my Mom some 10 years ago... I'd like to say it gets easier but that's a lie... I still have the "I miss my Mom" moments... And I still haven't stopped thinking "Oh I should tell Mom!" And then remembering I can't... I see things all the time and think "Mom would have loved that."...

Anyway... be safe and remember she's always with you...


Stratics Veteran
I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m with you in this difficult time.


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Tabby Kapak

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Wishing you strength Lord Viro, condolences! And also to the others who recently lost their mother, we know how you feel, as we also lost our mum past October... :( :(

Swt Lippy Hippy

Stratics Veteran
I am sorry for your loss of your mother. I love the vendor house there. I am sad for all those who are in pain this time of year. I am grateful for a family of UO and angels are watching over us. Bless all of you.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So sorry for your loss Lord Viro. She has a most beautiful smile in that photo.