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The Daughter I Never Had

Jaden Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
She is so full of energy and some days, it is just exhausting to keep up with her. Magic Classes seem to be helping her learn discipline and control of her emotions. The days go by fast preparing for the Dragon Dueling event. It seems to keep me busy and my mind off from worrying about her. Her idea of protecting the frozen Island was a great idea and giving her the means to build her dreams seems to make me smile and seeing her happy makes me happy. Knowing Dirnim watches out for her I worry even less. Yet I know he is a busy man and has so much of his own things to do, to watch her every minute. Charlie keeps a steady eye on Skara and Dragonstone Castle while I am with her....life is good.......

( OOC )
Meet me at " Dragonstone Castle " ....Sept 16 .....8 pm est. a couple Houses North West of Cove Landing ......
Late Comers there will be a Teleporter on the steps to the unannounced location we will be at.
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Jaden Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
( Might have to Change the Date for this....Not sure just yet so watch for a change) Needing to set this closer to the end of the Month Ill post date when its confirmed
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Jaden Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
It had seemed Avalons magic classes were a good outlet for Daenyra, and I had begun to believe the crator and damaged stables were not Daeny playing around with her new Dragon ....then again as I am delivering a trade to Vesper I find water flooding the island with the bakery.....this was somewhat disturbing then I receive a message of fires on the farms of Britain....checking this information out and standing there .....my first thoughts were........ * if this is Daenyyra, then Avalon has just given her the knowledge to destroy us all*..........seems Odd Daenys favorite two elements Fire and Water.......Hmmm