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[Fishing] The curious case of sea serpents, MiBs and fishing skill

  • Thread starter Luke Carjacker
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

Luke Carjacker

The reason for this post, I have not pulled up a single sea serpent (MiB, Net, Map or empty) in the last 6 backpacks full of fish.

So, when the new fishing changes were introduced, I dusted off my fisherman and started fishing deepwater in Trammel. Did quests, got a 105, and during that time I pulled up quite a few of the yellow barracuda big fish, so 3-4 days ago I decided to do some fishing in Felucca to get some different big fish while I get gains and fish for quests.

So, in that span I caught a lot of fish, bound a 110 PS and have been gaining fishing, up to 108 now. Seems like, while fishing in Felucca with this higher fishing skill, I'm pulling up more MiBs and Nets. Just looking at the side of my boat, I was averaging 3-4 serpents per backpack full of fish. In the meantime I caught a bunch of great barracuda, so decided to head back to trammel to see if I could catch a blue marlin (which some people have reported getting) while I gain some more fishing.

Now, after 6 backpack loads of fish, I haven't pulled up a single serpent. That's a huge change from the 3-4 serpents per backpack-load I was getting in felucca just an hour ago. I was getting serpents when I fished trammel last week, so has something changed in the past few days? Has anyone else noticed this?

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've found that in some areas I will pull sea serpents up one after the other. In other areas I'll not pull up any at all.

My suggestions.. try fishing another spot.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've found that in some areas I will pull sea serpents up one after the other. In other areas I'll not pull up any at all.

My suggestions.. try fishing another spot.

This. I am fishing w/two chars. I sail around and fishing/questing on my main while my second was on a friend's boat parked at the sea market. When I had the second at the sea market it seemed I was constantly fishing up serpants.

I moved the second fisher to a boat just far enough off shore to catch deep water fish. Two days, and nearly two full tok ship holds later, he hasnt fished up a single serpant.

Luke Carjacker

Yeah, you guys are right. I actually came to the conclusion like 6 more loads after making the original post and still fishing up nothing. So it struck me to move the ship, which I did, and then started pulling up serpents normally again. I don't think it's because I was too close to shore, just a weird spot I guess.