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EM Event The Crystal


UO Baja News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor

He walked slowly back to his chambers, holding the mysterious crystal in the palm of his hand.
What had happened during the Council meeting had confused and disturbed him.
The Governors had stated that he had acted strangely and words had come from him that made
no sense. He remembered none of it.
Entering his chambers, he placed the crystal on the ornate chest beside of his bed. The urge
to take it back up and hold the crystal was almost unbearable.
"No, I will not succumb to its power" he thought to himself, "I have fought back bigger demons
than this!"
Reaching for the bell rope, he rang to summon in one of his pages.
"Have Captain Reeves report here at once!" he said to the page as he reported to the summons.
"Yes M'Lord! At once M'Lord!" the page spoke as he turned to carry out the order.
A short time later, Captain Reeves knocked on the chamber door. He heard the call to enter
the chambers and there found his liege sitting staring at the crystal and far away look upon
his face.
"M'Lord, is every thing all right? "Tis quite a late hour to be summoned and into your chambers
at that " Captain Reeves said.
Shaking his head, the King raised troubled eyes up the Captain.
"It's this....crystal, Reeves. Take it from my chambers, place it into the vault" he ordered,"Get
it out of my sight! Hurry!"
With a look of confusion, Captain Reeves picked up the innocent looking crystal.
"What had come over the King", he thought to himself.
"Of course M'Lord! At once M'lord!" he replied to the King.
"Place a guard, no ..place two at the entrance to the Vault..that crystal must be protected and
kept away from me. Instruct the guards under NO circumstances am I to take possession of it again!"
"Yes M'Lord, it will be as you say!" he said.
Captain Reeves took one last look at the King before he left his chambers. The King was sitting
staring into the small flames of the fire that was always lit in the fireplace. His eyes were closed
and he seemed to be fighting within himself.
Captain Reeves walked along the hallway studying the crystal. As he looked, the crystal started
to pulsate and a most delicious warmth spread through his hand and upwards over his body.
"Lock this up?" he thought to himself, "How Absurd!"
Placing the crystal into the pocket of his cloak, he walked silently out of the castle, idea's
flowing through his mind.

**Safe Journeys!**