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The Contamination role-play event: Saturday, Nov. 27th at 8pm PST

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Date and Time: Saturday, Nov. 27th at 8pm PST
Meeting place: EM Hall
Event Type: Role-playing, character interaction
Contact Character: Aganon the Alchemist


About two weeks ago, adventurers came to the aid of Aganon the Alchemist at his request. However, Aganon seemed intent on having the Arctic Orc clan killed because he believed that they are allied with The Masquerader. Once the adventurers reached the Arctic Orc cave, the decision was made to ally with the orcs instead of slaying them as Aganon requested.

Ognog, the clan leader of the Arctic Orcs, provided the group with information related to an enchanted material known as Icerock that he believed could be utilized against The Masquerader and his toxic substance.

The group then met with an ancient being known as The Grand Wisp who led them to Xloc, the Shadow Orc. Xloc apparently was a dark sorcerer that long ago bonded his essence with an orc and became a mystical being that is now worshiped by a clan of renegade orcs. After much convincing, the arrogant Xloc admitted that he was capable of creating Icerock and would be willing to do so in order to defeat The Masquerader.

Aganon was not informed of these recent developments and was misled by the adventurers because they doubt that he is trustworthy. He requests another meeting with the group, but what will be his goal this time?

*IMPORTANT* This event is designed for those individuals that have been following the Contamination storyline closely and are interested in role-playing or relating to other participants "in-character". While there might be a moderate amount of PvE, the focus of the event is on character interaction and storyline elements.