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The Contamination: Role-play event finale Friday, 02/11/11 at 8pm PST

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Date and Time: February, 11 2011 at 8pm PST
Meeting place: EM Hall - Trammel
Event Type: Role-playing, PvE
Contact Character: Commander Alexander Valthos

Commander Valthos recently initiated an investigation into the whereabouts of Aganon the Alchemist who has been identified to be "The Masquerader", the individual that has claimed responsibility for the toxic substance that has been infecting both people and creatures all over Britannia. During the last encounter with Aganon, he slayed Ognog, the leader of the Arctic Orc clan. Additionally, Aganon's true form was revealed to be that of a gigantic, green colored slug type of creature. After his true form was revealed, Aganon jumped into the sea near Cove and has not been seen since.

Commander Valthos' informants have obtained information indicating that Aganon has been in hiding, creating a substantial amount of the toxic substance in hopes of contaminating all of Britannia. He requests assistance in tracking down Aganon and hopefully defeating him, once and for all.

Gather inside of the EM Hall on the Trammel facet on Friday 2/11 at 8pm PST and be prepared to confront Aganon's disgusting, mutated form.