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The Contamination plotline: New persistent event!

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Contamination plotline: New persistent quest now available!

Date and Time: Begins September 20, 2010
Meeting place: Castle Blackthorn - Trammel Facet.
Event Type: Investigation and minor PVE
Contact Character: Tobias the Informant


The Masquerader and his army of orcs and poisonous creatures have been attacking townships over the past week. A few of those that have been attacked have found evidence left behind that references "The Arktik Clan". This information has reached Commander Valthos and he requests that this be investigated promptly. He has assigned the duty of organizing the investigation to one of his informants, Tobias. Additionally, Tobias has received information in regards to yet another attack on a group of miners.

Important Information

This event was developed at the request of several players that have some difficulty participating in the "directed" events in the plotline. This quest is persistent, meaning that it can be completed at anytime. Simply seek out "Tobias the Informant" in front of Castle Blackthorn and say "Mission" to begin the quest line. You will be then guided through the chain by speaking keywords, but there are some hidden dialog chains as well. See if you can find them all!

**When you complete the quest chain, e-mail [email protected]. Please include your name, the date you completed the quest and the special final keyword that Tobias gives you. (Hint: It begins with "F") This is important for tracking participation in this quest!**


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
pretty fun. several of my speech macros connected to my spells set off some responses that didn't look to be attached to other chains of speech.

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the input. Each NPC has some hidden keywords or dialog chains; sounds like that is what your spell macros were setting off.

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This event has concluded. More like it will be available in the future.