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The Contamination continues: Role-playing event on Nov. 12th at 8pm PST

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Date and Time: Friday Nov. 12th at 8pm PST
Meeting place: EM Hall
Event Type: Role-playing, character interaction
Contact Character: Aganon the Alchemist


After a month long hiatus for Halloween, the Contamination plotline continues. In the last event, the adventurers followed The Masquerader into Dungeon Deceit where they eventually located Aganon the Alchemist who was being held captive. After his rescue, the alchemist explained that he had been forced to aid The Masquerader in his creation of the toxic substance that has been contaminating creatures all over Britannia. Aganon learned that the substance is susceptible to the cold and had been ordered by The Masquerader to determine how he could counteract this inherent weakness.

Not to be discounted is the fact that Commander Valthos has gone missing and The Masquerader has claimed responsibility. What will be the next course of action in overcoming The Masquerader and his toxic substance?

*IMPORTANT* This event is designed for those individuals that have been following the Contamination storyline closely and are interested in role-playing or relating to other participants "in-character". While there might be a moderate amount of PvE, the focus of the event is on character interaction and storyline elements.