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(Player Event) The City of Moonglow's Oktoberfest

The City of Moonglow's Oktoberfest
Posted by Alira Drakrul
Moonglow, Trammel (Catskills Shard)
Saturday, October 22, 2016 - 08:00 PM
Until: Sunday, October 23, 2016 - 10:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates

Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran

[This event is being held on the Catkills Shard. All are welcome!]​

Name Our Booze!
  • We need names for our signature whiskey and spirytus drinks. All submitted names should try and incorporate the culture, history or strengths of the City of Moonglow. These are liquors we want to showcase our city. All names must be submitted by book in-game in the Moonglow Community Center's mailbox. Submissions will no longer be accepted after the 15th of October.
    • The liquors to be named are whiskey and spirytus.
    • Please include your character's name and ICQ or Stratics Name. Your entry is void without this information.
    • You may submit up to 3 suggestions per liquor type.
    • Submitted names must be 15 characters or less (including spaces).
    • Submitted names must be allowed via in-game rules.
    • In the event of a duplicate name, the person who submitted first will have that entry.
    The guildmembers of the City of Moonglow [Moon] guild will privately vote on all entries the week prior to the festival. Each player within the guild will get two votes. We may choose more than one winner per liquor. The winners will be announced on this forum and www.catskillsrp.com on Saturday the 22nd.

  • The prize for each chosen name is a keg of that alcohol and 1 million gold pieces.

Showcase your Alcohol!

We will be accepting donations of barrels of matured liquor from other cities and distilleries. We will be distributing them free to guests throughout the festival.

  • All barrels can be dropped off at the mailboxes outside the Moonglow Community Center.
  • Please submit a book with each kind of liquor. You can use the book for an rp description of that liquor as well as the name of the distillery, tavern or city that they are from. Include contact information and directions so that interested patrons can order more from you. We will be sealing and locking down all books at our community center for the length of Oktoberfest.
  • You may submit as many barrels as you like.
  • All alcohol not consumed at the end of the festival will be put into the Moonglow Community Center's tavern stock for future tavern nights.
  • Alcohol and books must be submitted by Thursday, October 20th.

Map to the Moonglow Community Center's Mailbox


Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
General Information
Welcome to Moonglow's tribute to boozel!

We have a couple of topics to get out of the way before we get to the details of events.

Honesty. Moonglow is the city of Honesty and as such we expect all contestants and visitors to hold true to that virtue for the duration of the festival weekend. Many of our events have an element of trust in them. Cheating will not be tolerated, nor will thievery of guests, citizens or shops. We expect all contestants to familiarize themselves with the rules of the events they are participating in and abide by the King's laws while on Verity Isle. We will repeat the rules prior to the beginning of each event. If you have a question, ask. Participants ruled to be cheating by the host of a particular event or found to be suspect of theft by officials will be banned from participating in any remaining events.

Overcrowding. We currently have most events set-up to run for ten contestants. We have no idea if we will have a lot who will want to participate events or only a small crowd. We would like to give the majority of people the chance to participate in most events if they choose. In an effort to troubleshoot this possible issue, we may run certain events more than once if we have enough interested individuals and time and crowd allow for it. Winners of subsequent rounds will be eligible for duplicate prizes. There are two exceptions to this. First exception is the Polar Bear Brawl as we were only licensed to capture and import only so many polar bears for the festivities. The second is the horse race. Racers will compete in heats of 5. The winners of each heat will compete at the end against one another for a grand prize.

Souvenir Vendor

  • We will have a souvenir vendor at the Moonglow Community Center. We will be stocking items in a wide range of prices that are related to the theme of our event. All profits from the vendor will go into our events fund for future public entertainment. If you had a fun time at our event, take a moment and purchase a small item and show your support!

Program for Oktoberfest

Schedule for Saturday, October 22nd

Pie Eating Contest

Come hungry to the festival! Our first event will help pad your stomach for the alcohol to come. Free food will be available for spectators.
  • This contest will be limited to 10 contestants.
  • 20 Pies will be given to each contestant.
  • NO satiety cures allowed.
  • NO hiding of pies in clothing, bags or orifices.
  • Winner is whoever eats the most pies. The winner's prize is 1 million gold and a commemorative statue to take home.

Last Man Standing (Drinking Contest)

This is a contest to test your stamina and the strength of your liver. Very simple concept... last man to remain standing without being disqualified wins.
  • This contest will be limited to 10 contestants.
  • A large bag of strong alcohol will be given to each contestant.
  • The judge will call out how many bottles to drink. You must finish all the bottles called out in their entirety as quickly as you reasonably can.
  • If you throw up or fall asleep, you are disqualified.
  • NO hangover remedies are allowed.
  • NO hiding of bottles in clothing, bags or orifices.
  • Winner is the individual who lasts the longest without puking or falling asleep. The winner's prize is one million gold and a commemorative statue.

Bottle Race

Contestants will move a specially marked bottle of liquor ahead of them in effort to cross the finish line first. The race ends when the bottle and the contestant are past the finish line. In the case of a tie, the reigning judge will choose whether to award prize money to the contestants in question or have those individuals race again.

  • This contest will be limited to 10 contestants.
  • A bag of strong alcohol will be given to each contestant.
  • All contestants must move in a straight line. Do not cross into other's lanes.
  • Players must move a specially marked bottle ahead of them at all times. They may not take a step while carrying it. The bottle must be on the ground before the contestant moves. You may not stand on your bottle or move past it.
  • NO hangover remedies are allowed.
  • NO hiding of bottles in clothing, bags or orifices.
  • Winner is the individual and bottle who crosses the finish line.The winner's prize is one million gold and a commemorative statue.

Drunken Mage Contest

Contestants will be asked to polymorph themselves into polar bears and then consume alcohol. After all are deemed intoxicated, they will be asked by the judge to cast the 'summon creature' spell. A player summoning a polar bear, vomiting or falling asleep are disqualified. The summoned animal will be dismissed in between casting.
  • This contest will be limited to 10 contestants.
  • The ability to cast 'polymorph' (lvl 7) and 'summon creature' (lvl 5) is mandatory. Scrolls are allowed. Please make sure you have all needed supplies before we begin, leaving mid-contest will most likely not be allowed.
  • A bag of strong alcohol will be given to each contestant. You must finish all the bottles in their entirety as quickly as you reasonably can when the judge gives the order.
  • If you throw up, fall asleep or summon a polar bear, you are disqualified.
  • NO hangover remedies are allowed.
  • NO hiding of bottles in clothing, bags or orifices.
  • Winner is the individual who lasts the longest without being disqualified. The winner's prize is one million gold and a commemorative statue.

After all the festivities are over for the day, we will be offering free drinks and food at the Moonglow Community Center for festival goers. Map can be found here.

Schedule for Sunday, October 23

Hustle your Liquor

Contestants will line up and one at a time present their best sales pitch for their drink. After hearing all of them, our volunteer judge will choose a drink as their favorite. Creativity and suggestive selling is encouraged.

  • Our volunteer judge is Adonias DeVante.
  • This contest will be limited to 10 contestants.
  • Each contestant shall be given 2 minutes to sell their drink to our judge.
  • You may bring props and wear your choice of clothing.
  • While you can make promises and sexual innuendos if that is your choice, touching the judge during the contest will get you disqualified.
  • Don't murder or inflict harm upon out judge during the contest.
  • Our judge is quite open-minded and women and men are both allowed to participate with no penalty.
  • Winner is the individual who lasts the longest without being disqualified. The winner's prize is one million gold and a commemorative statue.

Drunken Polar Bear Brawl

Ever wanted to wrestle a polar bear?
How about wrestle one... naked... while drunk?

Now is your chance!

You can choose to wrestle the bear head-on or run like a girl screaming from it. Whatever tactic keeps you alive the longest.
  • This contest will be limited to 10 contestants.
  • All contestants will be given a bag of alcohol prior to starting. You must finish all the bottles in their entirety as quickly as you reasonably can when the judge gives the order.
  • Each contestant will be paired up with their own bear to attack.
  • Contestants must stay inside the arena or be disqualified.
  • No armor or jewelry No Weapons. No Spells, Potions or Bandages.
  • Normal clothing is allowed for those wishing to retain some modesty.
  • No hiding. No using bard skills.
  • Last one alive, wins.
  • Winner is the individual who lasts the longest without being disqualified. The winner's prize is one million gold and a commemorative statue.

Drunken Horse Race

What could be better than racing at break-neck speed around a course littered with obstacles? Why... doing it while drunk, of course!

  • This contest will be limited to done in heats of 5 individuals at a time, up to 25 people.
  • The winners of the heats will then compete against one another for a grand prize.
  • All races will be a single lap around the course. You must stay on the path provided.
  • All contestants will be given a bag of alcohol prior to starting. You must finish all the bottles in their entirety as quickly as you reasonably can when the judge gives the order.
  • Do not attack other racers or their mounts.
  • If you are dismounted, remount before continuing.
  • The prize for winning a heat is one million gold and a commemorative statue. Grand prize is 5m and a trophy.

Game of "I've Never"

This is how we separate
... the chaste from the experienced
... the criminals from those innocent
... the children from the men and women
....and find out who out there has been all around naughty.

This is a round robin inspired game and we do ask you stay in-character during it. Contestants will take turns stating a TRUE statement such as
"I've never... killed a person."​

If you HAVE done this (in this example, killed someone), you have to come forward, get a drink and immediately drink the entire bottle. You puke or fall asleep and you are disqualified. Players are encouraged to choose questions most damaging to their opponents psyche or having possible future ramifications. Be ruthless, but truthful.

  • This contest will be limited to 10 contestants at a time.
  • Players "I've never..." sentence must be true to themselves.
  • Players will only have 30 seconds to state their sentence so be prepared when the judge calls on you.
  • Falling asleep or vomiting means you are disqualified.
  • Winner is the individual who lasts the longest without being disqualified. The winner's prize is one million gold and a commemorative statue.

After all the festivities are over for the day, we will be offering free drinks and food at the Moonglow Community Center for festival goers. Map can be found here.
Last edited:

Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
We've increased the prize for naming the alcohol to 1 million gold for each name we use. Start submitting entries now to our mailbox!! We'll only be taking submissions until October 15th.

Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
One more week to get entries in for the name Moonglow's whiskey and spirytus drinks! If you'd like a rune to the Moonglow CC, please ICQ me at 465-972-004

Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Still no entries for the "Name Our Booze" Contest. Whiskey and Spirytus - Details in the original post! Three more days folks as we need to have time to make a new batch of liquor with your winning name on it! You might win by default!

Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Festival is next weekend!

I have submissions for the naming contest from Les Paul, Christof, Aedon, Dirnim

If I am missing anyone, please contact me asap.

An' thank you to Jaden Rain, Aedon and Christof for taking the time to submit barrels of liquor

Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
The winners of the "Name our Alcohol" Contest are.... *drum roll*

For Whiskey - Glow Inda Dark (Les Paul) and The art of Ale-chemy (Christof) tied for winning!
For Spirytus - Moonhaze (Aedon/John) is the winner.

Each of you will get 1m and a liquor barrel of your alcohol made by "a drunk"
Please contact Alira Drakrul ICQ 465-972-004 to pick up your prize!

Thanks to all of those who sent in entries. There were some other really good ones!

Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thank you for everyone who came out tonight! We hope you had fun and enjoyed your gold! I think between ties, additional games and some "secret contests" (Like first to get drunk in a game, the one who got naked the most, etc) we gave over 10-15m in awards. I hope we see as great of a crowd tomorrow night! 8pm EST - We will run four new games and of course, lots of booze.

If you had fun, feel free to stop by our souvenir vendor... we had stacked liquor bottles, clothing and items crafted by "a drunk" and some cool player made bottles in a wide range of prices.. We also have a 'blood pie' and a 'halloween pumpkin pie.' for those with deeper pockets. Proceeds will go towards funding future events.

Thank you all so much for your support and participation!

Here are some screenshots from 10/22/16

If anyone else took some, please share!

We raised our bottles in salute to all those we have lost. We also bid PEC Naniwa safe travels on his journey that lay ahead and let him know he would be missed.
